项目作者: AlexYangLi

项目描述 :
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/AlexYangLi/ABSA_Keras.git
创建时间: 2019-01-13T11:02:12Z



Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Keras implementation (tensorflow backend) of aspect based sentiment analysis



  1. download glove embedding glove.42B.300d.zip, unzip and put it in raw_data

    1. wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/data/wordvecs/glove.42B.300d.zip
    2. unzip glove.42B.300d.zip
    3. mv glove.42B.300d.txt ./raw_data
  2. pre-processing

    1. python3 process_raw.py
    2. python3 preprocess.py


  1. python3 train.py


  • python==3.6.4
  • keras==2.2.4
  • nltk==3.2.5
  • tensorflow=1.6.0

Data Analysis

see data_analysis.md


Note: results in the () are the performances of models with word embeddings fixed but aspect embeddings fine tuned; results in the []
are the performances of models with both word embeddings and aspect embeddings fixed

  • Accuracy
model laptop(paper) laptop restaurant(paper) restaurant twitter(paper) twitter
td_lstm 0.69905(0.7194) 0.7732(0.8008) 0.708 0.69219(0.7109)
tc_lstm 0.69122(0.6912)[0.7178] 0.7642(0.7696)[0.79375] 0.715 0.71387(0.7124)[0.72543]
ae_lstm 0.689 0.69122(0.6974)[0.69749] 0.766 0.7651(0.7625)[0.78125] 0.68497(0.68641)[0.6820]
at_lstm 0.69122(0.6880)[0.70689] 0.7678(0.7812)[0.78571] 0.67196(0.7052)[0.70086]
atae_lstm 0.687 0.69749(0.6927)[0.70376] 0.772 0.7732(0.7732)[0.78482] 0.66907(0.6965)[0.6921]
memnet 0.7237 0.52821(0.5266)[0.53448] 0.8095 0.6580(0.65)[0.65803] 0.57369(0.5751)[0.5780]
ram 0.7449 0.70376(0.7225)[0.72727] 0.8023 0.7937(0.8071)[0.81607] 0.6936 0.69653(0.71387)[0.6979]
ian 0.721 0.6865(0.7100) 0.786 0.7732(0.7821) 0.68208(0.71965)
cabasc 0.7507 0.6974(0.6990)[0.67554] 0.8089 0.7919(0.8080)[0.80357] 0.7153 0.69219(0.69508)[0.6690]
  • Macro-F1
model laptop(paper) laptop restaurant(paper) restaurant twitter(paper) twitter
td_lstm 0.64172(0.6636) 0.6653(0.6986) 0.690 0.6746(0.6898)
tc_lstm 0.62847(0.6335)[0.6666] 0.6651(0.6492)[0.70170] 0.695 0.6983(0.6848)[0.7122]
ae_lstm 0.62486(0.6435)[0.6355] 0.6419(0.6370)[0.68319] 0.66644(0.6670)[0.65437]
at_lstm 0.61267(0.6259)[0.65907] 0.6630(0.6689)[0.6676] 0.6553(0.68194)[0.6823]
atae_lstm 0.6246(0.63185)[0.6539] 0.6505(0.6657)[0.68006] 0.6651(0.67400)[0.67085]
memnet 0.38574(0.4118)[0.2322] 0.3547(0.4040)[0.3395] 0.48982(0.49209)[0.4989]
ram 0.7135 0.6474(0.6747)[0.66476] 0.7080 0.6887(0.7035)[0.72720] 0.6730 0.66536(0.69679)[0.6685]
ian 0.62007(0.6604) 0.6550(0.6768) 0.65071(0.69550)
cabasc 0.64601(0.6356)[0.5886] 0.6815(0.7201)[0.69357] 0.66790(0.67948)[0.6610]
  • Combining with ELMo Embedding

There are 2 ways to use ELMo in this project. Before training model, change the configuration as belows:

  1. In config.py, set self.use_elmo to True and self.elmo_hub_url to None or https://tfhub.dev/google/elmo/2. By running train.py the tensorflow hub will download the elmo module and cached in the local temporay directory. But the module will be deleted after a machine reboot.
  2. So, I recommend you load the elmo module locally. First, download the elmo using url: https://tfhub.dev/google/elmo/2?tf-hub-format=compressed. Then change its name to tfhub_elmo_2 (whatever you want), untar the file, and put it in the raw_data directory. It will be like:
    And don’t forget to set self.use_elmo in config.py to True and self.elmo_hub_url to raw_data/tfhub_elmo_2 (the name you just renamed).

Here’s the results of combining ELMo Embedding:

  • Personal conclusion
  1. Surprisingly, I failed to achieved similar performance as stated in the parper of Memnet. Or maybe there are bugs in the code?
  2. TD-LSTM performs unexpectedly well.
  3. Models with fixed embeddings are generally better than those with fine-tuned embeddings, which is consistent with the paper of RAM.
  4. L2 regularization didn’t help.
  5. I tried elmo embedding, but it didn’t bring a performance gain.