项目作者: hezhengxu2018

项目描述 :
pdf.js server side render
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/hezhengxu2018/10pdf-render-server.git
创建时间: 2021-05-15T14:51:00Z



English | 简体中文


10pdf is a pdf render server which is driven by pdf.js .


In most cases, render pdf by server is meanless, only when:

  • Your users are still using IE and not install Adobe Acrobat Plugin yet.
  • The PDF file size is quite large and you do not want to consume browser’s performance too much.
  • more precise permission control. e.g. forbid text copy.

How to run

Notice: make sure your Node.js version is 12+

  1. npm install --production
  2. npm run start

you can put the pdf file into server/static/pdf_cache directory or use the Internet resource directly, 10pdf can cache remote file into this directory

config json

10pdf can use database to cache the render result, you can set config.json (server/config.json) to use mongodb as default database.

Props Description Type
databaseType “sqlite”/“mongodb” sqlite is the default databse String
servername mongodb host address String
DATABASE mongodb database name String
port mongodb port Number
user mongodb auth user String
pass mongodb password String
authSource authSource of mongodb String


not only offer the render engine, but also HTML structure and CSS.