项目作者: Beaglefoot

项目描述 :
Fullstack voting app built with React, Express, MongoDB and other buzzwords
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Beaglefoot/fcc-voting-app.git
创建时间: 2018-07-03T10:38:11Z




This is one of fullstack projects in Take Home Projects section on freeCodeCamp written in TypeScript.

User stories:

  1. As an authenticated user, I can keep my polls and come back later to access them.
  2. As an authenticated user, I can share my polls with my friends.
  3. As an authenticated user, I can see the aggregate results of my polls.
  4. As an authenticated user, I can delete polls that I decide I don’t want anymore.
  5. As an authenticated user, I can create a poll with any number of possible items.
  6. As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see and vote on everyone’s polls.
  7. As an unauthenticated or authenticated user, I can see the results of polls in chart form.
  8. As an authenticated user, if I don’t like the options on a poll, I can create a new option.

How to build and run

First of all install all deps:

  1. yarn install

This will also build client side of the application.

Server part of the app requires some env variables. For development build they can be placed in server/.env and then provided to the server side of the app with yarn env like this:

  1. yarn env node dist/

The following command can help to get some idea about what these variables are and how to name them:

  1. git grep -A3 -B3 process.env

Once the environment is set up the easiest way to start is to run tmux script from the client dir:

  1. cd client && bash start_tmux_session.sh

but this requires system-wide tmux installation.

To start without tmux:

  • in case of dev env simply run yarn start in both client and server dirs
  • in case of prod env build client side with yarn build and run server side with
    1. NODE_ENV='production' yarn env yarn start