Get apps instantly via web. (This project is temporarily deprecated)
😎 Everything can be downloaded via Get Apps!
Get Apps is an online service that helps you download applications and resources with a simple link. Our Blog Posts
Current Support List: View{appname}
is the same as
Simply enter{appname}
in your browser.
If you see a 404
error, that means the app you are downloading is not currently supported. Check out Join In Us page.
If you see an alert like this:
Make sure you can access foreign websites normally. This is a feature which can remind users in China Mainland to use proxy when downloading certain restricted apps. If you are not in China Mainland, just ignore this and select OK
Current Support List:
For English users, our alias system is nice and simple: we don’t have much alias. That’s because I am a Chinese and not quite sure if googlechrome
can be abbreviated as gc
. But if you have any good ideas, please tell us at Issue.
For Chinese users, we create alias for a app in three ways:
or formatfactory
These alias above can be available for any Chinese apps. If there are any mistakes, please also let us know at Issue.
Currently we support more than 50 apps, you may find them in
First Get Apps will identify your OS:
if (/(x64|WOW64)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
window.location.href = "";
if (/(x86_64)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
window.location.href = "";
if (/(Macintosh)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
window.location.href = "";
// If this app does not support a platform
if (/(iPhone|iPod)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
alert("This app does not work on your device.");
if (/(iPad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
alert("This app does not work on your device.");
if (/(Android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
alert("This app does not work on your device.");
As preperation, we use the developer tools in Chrome to get download links for specific apps significiant app. For example, the download link for Atom is as follows:
This link will automattically redirect you to the the latest stable version of Atom (this one is for Windows 64 bit), which looks like this:
Therefore we are able to serve you with the latest version of the app. We can also find permanent links in other ways, such as relying on third-party APIs.
If you have any ideas or requests,you may tell us in Issue , at the same time we welcome all kinds of pull requests.
Check out to make sure it is not currently supported
Get Apps is based on Jekyll. Make sure you have the appropriate development environment.
Fork this repo. Clone to local.
Add our formatted scripts with the permanent download links in _posts\{appname}\{year}-{month}-{date}-{appname}.md
Submit a pull request.
cd path/to/repo/Get
jekyll s
Honestly, this project is not complicated and may not be worth your donation to us. In this case, star might be a good choice!
But if you really want to donate us, you are more than welcome to do so.
Get Apps © Huangxin, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Huangxin with help from contributors.
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