LitElement Template in Vitejs + Rollup + Typescript
this project has a ready to production configuration.
This project includes a VERY sample site to start using LitElement with TypeScript (you can also use JS).
The project tries to have the same structure as an Android project
. The idea is that it feels familiar and we develop with a standard (or as similar as possible)
This will help the LitElement developer community grow and we all align our efforts in a standardized and orderly direction.
You will find a res
folder and within it it should have the same structure as a Native Android Project.
With this configuration you can mix and use javascript. But we highly recommend that you use Typescript, if you don’t already know Typescript you should learn it as this will greatly improve the quality of your code.
Install dependencies:
npm i
pnpm i
This sample uses the Babel
and esbuild
with Vitejs
to produce JavaScript that runs in modern browsers.
This sample uses Vitejs for previewing the project without additional build steps. Vitejs
handles resolving Node-style “bare” import specifiers, which aren’t supported in browsers. It also automatically transpiles Typescript to JavaScript files.
There is a development HTML file located at index.html
that you can view at http://localhost:8000.
To build
and run
the JavaScript version of your component (include watcher):
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
If you use VS Code, we highly recommend the lit-plugin extension, made by @runem which enables some extremely useful features for lit-html templates:
Quick Fixes
The project is setup to recommend lit-plugin to VS Code users if they don’t already have it installed.
Go to repo to leave a start ★ ->
Prettier is used for code formatting. It has been pre-configured according to the Polymer Project’s style. You can change this in .prettierrc.json
Prettier has not been configured to run when commiting files, but this can be added with Husky and and pretty-quick
. See the site for instructions.
If you use VS code, we reccommend the prettier-vscode extension
See we develop a Get started web site (soon) to show more information.
If you have the desire to collaborate, send me a Tweet to @herberthobregon and let’s talk!