azure vm creatation; Azure VMA; Azure encryption
This tool is used to troubleshoot azure ARM virtual machine(v2). You can use this tool to delete and rebuild your virtual machine easily.
Login to Azure portal via
And click the button to use Azure Cloud Shell
Select your subscription and login to Azure cloud shell
If you didn’t select the correct subscription, please set your subscription
az account set -s <subscription_id>
Clone the code from github
git clone
cd vmacreate/
Run the command
The script will prompted you two options
There are two options avaliable
list all the vm and select
Select your issued VMs by Num and the command will get accordingly
Input your the name and resourcegroup of your virtual machine.
In Azure, sometimes we have to use chroot method to troubleshoot the issued virtual machine just like the rescue mode in on-prem envrionment. Refer to [chroot][]
Please follow the instruction to run the VMAReceate script from Azure Cloud Shell.
The script will generate all the command for you automatically. Here coms the example for you to do the troubleshooting
Backup your vhd. For managed disk you need to create a snapshot for backup purpose and you could create a cloned VHD from the snapshot
az snapshot create -g development --source d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000 --name d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000-snapshot
//Create new disk
az disk create --resource-group development --source d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000-snapshot --name d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000-c
opy --sku Standard_LRS
Create Snapshot
Create vhd from snapshot
(Optional) You can allocate the public IP as static if you want to keep the IP address
az network public-ip update --resource-group development --name pyclient-ip --allocation-method Static
Delete the Virtual Machine, this proecedure only delete the Virtual Machine Instance and all your resources like VHD, NICs, Availablity-Set will keep
az vm delete -n pyclient -g development
Create the temporary virtual machine for troubleshooting purpose, kindly notice that if you issued vm is using Premium disk, please create the virtual machine with size Standard_DS1_v2
az vm create -g development --image RedHat:RHEL:7.3:latest --admin-username azureuser --admin-password Azuretroubleshooting123! --name temp20180312 --size Standard_A1
And the Virtual Machine is accessable via the default Account/Password azureuser/Azuretroubleshooting123!
Attach the issued os disk to the temporary virtual machine
az vm disk attach --disk d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000 --resource-group development --vm-name temp20180312
Follow the chroot procedue to troubleshoot the issue on temporary virtual machine. After the troubleshooting fix, detach the disk from temporary virtual machine.
az vm disk detach -g development --vm-name temp20180312 -n d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000
Recreate the virtual machine based on the modificed the os disk
az vm create --name pyclient --resource-group development --location southeastasia --nics pyclient348 --size Standard_DS1 --os-type Linux --attach-os-disk d-dbf17031ca524e749b3d5d77802b9a76-osdisk-000
Attach the data disk of the original virtual machine
az vm disk attach --disk testvol --resource-group development --vm-name pyclient --caching None
(Optional) Enable boot diagnostics after recreation
az vm boot-diagnostics enable --name pyclient --resource-group development --storage
For the umanaged disk, all the commands will be generated automatically as well and you don’t really need to care about the command line difference.
The backup procedure is a little bit diferent, you need to use storage blob copy to do the backup
az storage container create -n 2018-03-12-06-28 --account-name encrption
az storage blob copy start -u -b osdisk_24332149de_bak.vhd -c 2018-03-12-06-28 --account-name encrption
Backup your vhd. For managed disk you need to create a snapshot for backup purpose and you could create a cloned VHD from the snapshot. For unmanaged disk, the backup procedure is a little bit diferent, you need to use storage blob copy to do the backup
Here comes the example from managed disk.
az snapshot create -g encryption --source testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1 --name testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1 -snapshot
//Create new disk
az disk create --resource-group encryption --source testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1-snapshot --name testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1-copy --sku Standard_LRS
Optional, you can allocate the public IP as static
az network public-ip update --resource-group encryption --name testencryption-ip --allocation-method Static
Delete the current virtual machine with below command
az vm delete -n testencryption -g encryption
Create tempory troubleshooting virtual machine. If the virtual machine used premium disk, please create the virtual machine with size Standard_DS1_v2. The username/passowrd is azureuser/Azuretroubleshooting123!
az vm create -g encryption --image RedHat:RHEL:7.3:latest --admin-username azureuser --admin-password Azuretroubleshooting123! --name temp20180312 --size Standard_A1
Update the encryption settings of the temporay virtual machine. To add the bek key the troubleshooting virtual machine
az vm update -n temp20180312 -g encryption --set storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.diskEncryptionKey="{'secretUrl': '', 'sourceVault': {'id': '/subscriptions/0f96dbcb-37cf-4c89-94ac-f9672a0ec207/resourceGroups/encryption/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyvault20180227'}}" storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.keyEncryptionKey="{'keyUrl': '', 'sourceVault': {'id': '/subscriptions/0f96dbcb-37cf-4c89-94ac-f9672a0ec207/resourceGroups/encryption/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyvault20180227'}}" storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.Enabled=true
Remove the encryption settings of the issued os disk
az disk update -n testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1 -g encryption --set encryptionSettings.enabled=false encryptionSettings.diskEncryptionKey=null encryptionSettings.keyEncryptionKey=null
After the settings change, we could be able to attach the issued os disk to the temporay virtual machine
az vm disk attach --disk testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1 --resource-group encryption --vm-name temp20180312
Then you could be able to login the temporay virtual machine and follow the procedure below to unlock the encrypted disk. In this case the bek key is sdc1 and issued virtual machine is sdd
# lsblk
fd0 2:0 1 4K 0 disk
sda 8:0 0 32G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 31.5G 0 part /
sdb 8:16 0 70G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 0 70G 0 part /mnt/resource
sdc 8:32 0 48M 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 0 47M 0 part
sdd 8:48 0 32G 0 disk
├─sdd1 8:49 0 500M 0 part
└─sdd2 8:50 0 31.5G 0 part
Create rescue folder below
mkdir /{investigatekey,investigateboot,investigateroot}
Mount key boot folder sepeartely
mount /dev/sdc1 /investigatekey
mount -o nouuid /dev/sdd1 /investigateboot
unlocked the issued os disk
cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file /investigatekey/LinuxPassPhraseFileName --header /investigateboot/luks/osluksheader /dev/sdd2 investigateosencrypt
mount the root directory
mount -o nouuid /dev/mapper/investigateosencrypt /investigateroot
Get everything there
# ls /investigateroot/
bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv temptest tmp var
boot etc lib media opt root sbin sys test usr
After the troubleshooting, detach the issued os disk from temporary virtual machine.
az vm disk detach -g encryption --vm-name temp20180312 -n testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1
Recreate the virtual machine
az vm create --name testencryption --resource-group encryption --location southeastasia --nics testencryption172 --size Standard_D2s_v3 --os-type Linux --attach-os-disk testencryption_OsDisk_1_dee24872f6f345e5a814198023a480a1
Attach all the data disk back to the recreated virtual machine
az vm disk attach --disk encyrptiondata --resource-group encryption --vm-name testencryption --caching None
Since all the Encryption settings are missing after recreation, we need to set the encryption settings back to the recreated virtual machine
az vm update -n testencryption -g encryption --set storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.diskEncryptionKey="{'secretUrl': '', 'sourceVault': {'id': '/subscriptions/0f96dbcb-37cf-4c89-94ac-f9672a0ec207/resourceGroups/encryption/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyvault20180227'}}" storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.keyEncryptionKey="{'keyUrl': '', 'sourceVault': {'id': '/subscriptions/0f96dbcb-37cf-4c89-94ac-f9672a0ec207/resourceGroups/encryption/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyvault20180227'}}" storageProfile.osDisk.encryptionSettings.Enabled=true
The re-created virtual machine will loss all the extensions by default, we need to manually enable the encryption extension back. And we need customer to provide the service principal password and if customer cannot remember that, we could reset the credential manually
Reset the SP password
az ad sp reset-credentials --name d460d86d-6460-4601-bd1d-451031ba45dd --password yingpassword123!
Enable the encryption extension again, it will deallcoate and start the vm again and it might take some time. Be patient
az vm encryption enable --resource-group encryption --name testencryption --aad-client-id d460d86d-6460-4601-bd1d-451031ba45dd --aad-client-secret "yingpassword123!" --disk-encryption-keyvault keyvault20180227 --key-encryption-key Key20180227 --volume-type ALL
After enable the extension, check the status
az vm encryption show -n testencryption -g encryption
(Optional) Enable the boot diagnostics log, it is suggested for any linux issue RCA
az vm boot-diagnostics enable --name testencryption --resource-group encryption --storage
The command ouput was saved as “operation.log” under the directory
The virtual machine’s show paremeters was saved as “GetVm.log”
For any issue, kindly contact below