Common libs
Common.Models is a free library with common classes for Data layer in microservices. It contains common init classes for repositories and unit of work. Also common base classes for db entities.
UPD: .net core lib doesn’t contain repo interfaces anymore. DbContext in ef core = UoW.
.net framework 4.5+:
.net core:
Common.Contracts is a free library with common classes for Contracts layer in microservices. It contains abstract request and response classes for building structured service. Also this library contains common interface for all microservices with common method(ServiceInfo) model which should be provided by all services.
Common.Contracts.WCF is a free library with common classes for Contracts layer in microservices for realization by WCF.
Common.WebApi is a free library with helpers for converting ServiceResponse to proper HTTP status, common library for logging all requests and responses.
For registration logger for all REST requests and responses add next code to App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs to Register method
// Custom log handler for every REST request
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CustomLogHandler());