Game of Life in Python
Game of Life in Python.
Eight neighbor rule on a square grid
Six neighbor rule on a hex grid (
Twelve neighbor rule on a hex grid (
Example runs:
Use -8 for a square board and eight neighbor rule and -12 for a hex board with 12 neighbor rule. Otherwise, defaults to hex board and 6 neighbor rule.
python3 -f oscillators.txt -8 -nc
python3 -f hex6_oscillators.txt -nc
python3 -12 -nc
Use -nc to see a “movie” of the output.
Use -f for reading a board from a file. Otherwise, a 100x100 board is created randomly with probability 0.5 of a cell being alive. Use -size and -i to adjust the board size and probability respectively.
Other command line options are -g and -p to specify the number of generations to simulate (defaults to 10) and -p to specify that every nth generation should be printed (defaults to 1).
Minimal testing using small oscillators and gliders and watching standard output.