项目作者: KimMoe

项目描述 :
Neural Network playing pong in Java
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/KimMoe/IS-213-Gruppe1.git
创建时间: 2018-01-25T15:08:39Z

开源协议:MIT License



Pong with Neural Network


  1. The Software
  2. Getting Started
  3. Built with
  4. Contributing
  5. Developers
  6. License
  7. Acknowledgements

The software

This is a university project were we try to get a better understanding of machine learning and neural networks.
We have made a basic pong game in Java. We will try and use a neural network to learn and play the game.

More information in the wiki.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You need to have Java JDK installed. In addition to any IDE supporting java, we recommend: Netbeans or IntelliJ.

You find Java JDK 8 here: Oracle.com

You find Netbeans here: Netbeans.org

Or IntilliJ here: Jetbrains.com


A step by step guide for getting the project up and running.

  1. 1. Download the repository.
  2. 2. Download the neuroph 2.94 library from [here](http://neuroph.sourceforge.net/download.html).
  3. 3. Open the PongNnReborn project in your IDE of choice (we used Netbeans).
  4. 4. Apply the needed libraries from the Neuroph download.
  5. Neuroph (Needed):
  6. * Neuroph-adapters
  7. * Neuroph-contrib
  8. * Neuroph-core
  9. * Neuroph-ocr
  10. Neuroph dependencies (Needed):
  11. * Ajt
  12. * Java-ML
  13. * Logback-core
  14. * Sfl4-API
  15. * Sfl4-NOP
  16. * Weka
  17. Neuroph (Optional):
  18. * Neuroph-samples
  19. * Neuroph-samples-Javadoc
  20. * Neuroph-adapters-Javadoc
  21. * Neuroph-contrib-Javadoc
  22. * Neuroph-core-Javadoc
  23. * Neuroph-ocr-Javadoc
  24. 5. Try starting the software by compiling it with the IDE.
  25. 6. Use 1-4 and space to change the setting in the pong start menu.
  26. 7. Start the game, and enjoy a neural network playing agains a bot, or a human.
  27. 8. You can now edit/change the program has much as you would like. You can even fork the project to create your own version.
  28. 9. Check out the contribution page for more information on cotribution to the official proram.

Built With

NetBeans - Webpage

Neuroph 2.94 - Webpage

Java 8 - Webpage




Moe, Kim Arild

Sakseid, Vegar

Røren, Tønnes Tobias Pedersen


Collection of licenses applicable to the project.


Licensed under MIT license.

3rd Party:

Neuroph - Apache 2.0 License

Neuroph uses:


  • Hat tip to anyone who’s code was used. 🎩
  • Neuroph for having an open source neural network. 🤖
  • Other thanks:

    • fabiorino for having an example on how to implement neural networks in pong, with java - Example. 😚
    • Neuroh again for having sample projects to help us with the program - Samples. 🌐
  • License creators, for letting everyone use thier licenses free of charge. 📃