项目作者: maxlembke

项目描述 :
Course project for Data Science with Python at Hult International Business School.
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/maxlembke/Text_Adventure_Game.git
创建时间: 2021-01-11T18:57:40Z



Text Adventure Game

In this assignment, students were tasked with designing a text-based adventure game. This game should utilize the Python essentials covered thus far, including, but not limited to:

  • Strings and String Manipulation
  • User-Defined Functions and Objects (variables)
  • User Input and Input Handling
  • Conditional and Nested Conditional Statements (if/elif/else)
  • Loops (for/while)
  • Controlling for Errors

The COVID-19 Struggle is an educational game aimed at students who are currently
re-locating to University in Boston. Players will learn about the most important
regulations having to do with quarantine and mask-wearing in an entertaining and playful manner.
All probabilities used in the game are derived from guidelines of the State of
Massachusetts or the CDC. To make the game more fun several random
choices have been used, to provide a more dynamic gameflow.

Functionality Bug:
University choice and name can only be reset by re-starting the game. This
is intentional, but some players might prefer to change their university choice eventually. Could be fixed
in another version by placing the uni_choice in the first stage.