项目作者: Flodur871

项目描述 :
Atari Breakout made from scratch in x86 assembly
高级语言: Assembly
项目地址: git://github.com/Flodur871/Atari-Breakout.git
创建时间: 2018-08-22T19:32:09Z

开源协议:MIT License



Getting started


  • 8086 16bit Emulator (Dosbox)
  • A compiler with 16bit support (Tasm)

Building from source

To download the source files type the following command in terminal:

  1. git clone --detph 1 https://github.com/Flodur871/Atari-Breakout

Afterwards you should have a folder Atari-Breakout/src somewhere in your pc, extract TASM.rar bin folder content in it.
To get there in dosbox terminal type the following commands:

  1. mount <disk> <disk>:/
  2. cd <path>/Atari-Breakout/src

Finally compile the project using tasm and tlink with these commands:

  1. tasm break.asm
  2. tlink break.asm

Playing the game

  1. Change your current directory to Atari-Breakout/src as instructed in the building from source section.
  2. Run break.exe

Command Keybind
Move Right A
Move Left D
Restart/Change bricks colors Space
Pause Escape