项目作者: Myke24
项目描述 :
A quick Pokemon trivia game project to test your knowledge of Pokemon and their names
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Myke24/Who-wants-to-be-a-Pokemon-Master-.git
A trivia game created using the Fetch API to gather data from the PokeAPI to create dynamic questions about Pokemon

Technologies Used
Fetch API, PokeAPI, tenor.com(just for an image)
Installation Instructions
Go to the website @ https://myke24.github.io/Who-wants-to-be-a-Pokemon-Master-/
User Stories
- As a player I want to get a lot of questions to really test my knowledge about Pokemon
- As a player I want to choose categories of questions to test my overall knowledge about Pokemon
- As a player if I get the answer wrong I want to know the answer to the question so I can know it for next time
- As a player I don’t want to keep track of my overall bank amount so I can focus on winning more money

Major Hurdles and Overcoming them
- Really tuning into my inner UI designer
- Really understanding the benefits of practicing functional programming. Saved me a lot of time when debugging. Should have started with it in the beginning.
- Resetting timers and intervals should have been easier to implement
- Need to focus on core concepts better
- Staying organized