Ethereum Gas Price Notifier
I’ve stopped maintaining this project !
Ethereum Gas Price Notifier @
Update 🥳
As unconditional gas price update has been implemented to show recommended Ethereum Gas Price feed in real-time, we’ve updated webUI 👇
While interacting with Ethereum Network I had to frequently visit
for checking current safeLow
gas price to decide when I can send transaction, which was really eating a lot of my time.
So I started looking for some exisiting solutions which can give me Ethereum Gas Price feed, but couldn’t find anything that satisfies my requirement. That’s when I decided to write my own solution for getting notified when Ethereum Gas Price reaches a certain threshold.
After some exploration, I decided to build this application while leveraging PubSub model, because of 👇
keeps fetching latest Ethereum Gas Price from
[ gas-price-fetcher ]This worked pretty well. After basic building block, I built a very minimalistic webUI for subscription/ unsubscription management & displaying browser based notification.
And here’s gasz
If you’re a normal end user, I’m already running one instance of gasz
@, where you can subscribe to receive gas price notification & you’ll be notified when Ethereum Mainnet’s Gas Price reaches certain threshold.
Note : Make sure you allow
to send notification(s)
It has been tested to be working fine on Firefox & Chrome. For enabling desktop notification on Chrome on MacOS, you’ll most probably require to
Any modern browser supporting web Notification API, can be used to interact with gasz
Now you can set up when you want to receive notification
👆 criteria
can be {<, >, <=, >=, ==}
along with a gas price in Gwei unit.
Now you’ll keep receiving notification until you acknowledge it by clicking on notification you’re being shown.
Once you do 👆, you’ll be unsubscribed from gas price notification feed.
You might also be interested in programmatically accessing Ethereum Gas Price data feed, for that consider sending a subscription request for certain category of gas price satisfying certain criteria.
For example, let’s say I’m waiting fastest
tx gas price to go below 50 Gwei, I’ll send a payload of form in JSON serialized form
"type": "subscription",
"field": "fastest",
"threshold": 50,
"operator": "<"
after connecting to wss://
Once gas price reaches that price, I’ll receive response of form 👇, over websocket, where topic
is useful for checking for which subscription you’re receiving this feed, because same websocket connection can be used for subscribing to multiple feeds i.e. with multiple criterias.
👇 assumes you subscribed for fast gas price, when it reaches < 50 Gwei
can be any of {fast
, fastest
, average
, safeLow
}. And price
is what you’re interested in & it’s in Gwei.
"txType": "fastest",
"price": 43,
"topic": "fastest : < 50.000000"
Same websocket connection can be used for subscribing to gas prices of different categories.
You can consider doing a graceful unsubscription by sending
type: 'unsubscription',
field: 'fastest',
threshold: 50,
operator: '<'
to wss://
∈ {subscription
, unsubscription
∈ {fast
, fastest
, average
, safeLow
> 0 ( in Gwei )operator
∈ {<, >, <=, >=, ==}
Note : You may want to check example.
If you want to receive unconditional gas price updates, you should check this example.
New 🎉
You can always send HTTP GET request to
for getting latest gas price recommendation
curl -s
doesn’t ever hope to replace
, rather it hopes to improve UX by adding support for real-time gas price notification API.
Thanks to creator(s)/ contributor(s)/ maintainer(s) of
for such a great product 🙌
Your help in improving
will be highly appreciated.