项目作者: sakearzoo

项目描述 :
Smart Monitoring for fire or LPG gas leakage hazard with SMS Alert !!
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sakearzoo/Smart_Alert_System.git
创建时间: 2019-07-24T16:27:31Z

开源协议:MIT License


Smart Alert System

It’s a alert system which will provide real-time alert on fire or LPG gas Leak in your house and it will monitor the house temperature and Methane ppm concentration in air via a Web portal. If the sensor records more than 60 degree temperature or 1000 ppm (you can modify on script) of methane concentration then it would send directly sms alert to the registered mobile number.

  1. Raspberry Pi
  2. ADC121C_MQ4 (Measure Methane Concentration in PPM)
  3. DHT-11 (Measure Temperature)
  4. GSM module (To send SMS)

First raspbian os needs to be installed on SD card then run the following codes

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. sudo apt-get install python-pip
  4. sudo apt-get install build-essential libi2c-dev i2c-tools python-dev libffi-dev
  5. sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  6. sudo pip install cffi
  7. sudo pip install smbus-cffi
  8. sudo pip install Adafruit_DHT
  9. git clone https://github.com/sakearzoo/Smart_Alert_System.git && cd Smart_Alert_System
  10. chmod +x fire.py
  11. chmod +x gas.py
  12. chmod +x main.py

After then you need to modify the connect.php file with proper credentials, Add your phone number to fire.py and gas.py and finally update the main.py with proper website address.

Now all is Set !!

To run the script you need to enter th following code:

  1. Sudo ./main.py
  2. or
  3. sudo python main.py