项目作者: stefan-niculae

项目描述 :
Formal Languages & Automata labs
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/stefan-niculae/formal-labs.git
创建时间: 2017-02-22T23:36:46Z



Formal Labs

This supplement has three purposes:

  1. help me organize what to write on the whiteboard
  2. help you quickly remember previous labs
  3. give you a quick run-down in case you skipped a lab (hopefully not used very often)

Hopefully the third aspect is the least used one.

That being said, I highly encourage you not to skip any labs, and attend the lectures.

Access online at stefann.eu/formal-labs.


Make sure you have

  • ruby — brew install ruby
  • bundle — gem install bundle

Run in root: bundle install


Run in root: bundle exec jekyll serve

Access locally at localhost:4000.