Get your Kindle highlights.
A Ruby gem for collecting your Kindle highlights.
or greater
gem install kindle-highlights
First, require
the gem and initialize a new client by passing in the email address & password you use
to sign into your Amazon Kindle account:
require 'kindle_highlights'
kindle =
email_address: "",
password: "password"
Use the books
method to get a listing of all your Kindle books. This method
returns a collection of KindleHighlights::Book
@author="James R. Mcdonough",
@title="Platoon Leader: A Memoir of Command in Combat"
@author="Michael Lopp",
@title="Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook"
@author="James K. A. Smith",
@title="How (Not) to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor"
Each Book
object has it’s asin
, author
, and title
as attributes:
book = kindle.books.first
#=> "B000XUAETY"
#=> "James R. Mcdonough"
#=> "Platoon Leader: A Memoir of Command in Combat"
To get only the highlights for a specific book, use the highlights_for
method, passing
in the book’s Amazon ASIN as the only method parameter. This method returns a collection ofKindleHighlights::Highlight
@text="One of the most dangerous things you can believe in this world is that technology is neutral.",
Each Highlight
object has the book’s asin
, the text
of the highlight, and it’s location
as attributes:
highlight = kindle.highlights_for("B005CQ2ZE6").first
#=> "B005CQ2ZE6"
#=> "One of the most dangerous things you can believe in this world is that technology is neutral."
#=> "197"
Additionally, each book has it’s own highlights_from_amazon
book = kindle.books.first
This gem uses mechanize to interact with Amazon’s Kindle pages. You can override any of the default mechanize settings (see lib/kindle_highlights/client.rb
) by passing your settings to the initializer:
kindle =
email_address: "",
password: "amazon_password",
mechanize_options: { user_agent_alias: 'Mac Safari' }
Or you can use
equivalents provided on other TLDs like:
kindle =
email_address: "",
password: "amazon_password",\
root_url: ''
Amazon will sometimes issue a CAPTCHA challenge when logging in to your
Kindle account. If this happens when the gem attempts to log in to your
Kindle account to retrieve your book list or highlights, you’ll get a KindleHighlights:
, like the following::CaptchaError
> kindle.books
KindleHighlights::Client::CaptchaError: Received a CAPTCHA while attempting to sign in to your Amazon account. You will need to resolve this manually at
There’s no way to programmatically resolve this situation. The best
solution I’ve found is to open a browser, visit the URL that the gem returns, log in to
your Kindle account, and click around a bit. Then log out of your Kindle
account and re-attempt to fetch your highlights via this gem. Additionally, you could try
instantiating a new instance of the client and changing the User-Agent
via mechanize_options
kindle =
email_address: "",
password: "amazon_password",
mechanize_options: { user_agent_alias: 'iPhone' }
Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Eric Farkas. See MIT-LICENSE for details.