Organization for your to-read pile!
Are you a book lover? Is your To-Read pile unweildy? BookWorm is here to help! This app allows you to search books via (support your local bookstore!) and then add them to your “To Read” list so you can get organized and get reading. Once you’ve read a book, just click “I Read It!”, and it will move to your “Done” list where you can watch your finished books pile up! It doesn’t end there— If you loved the book you can always click “Read Again” to move it back to your To-Read Pile; if you hated it, click “Delete” as your first step to forgetting it forever!
Run the following commands in your preferred CLI to install the Node package and all dependencies:
git clone
cd bookworm
npm i
Create a new file called .env
that will store your MySQL server information:
touch .env
Format the contents of .env
as follows, substituting your MySQL server information where applicable:
Import the database schema and optional demo data:
#login to mysql
mysql -u username -p
#import the required schema
source db/schema.sql
#import the optional demo data
source db/seeds.sql
Start the application by using the following command:
npm start
Open the application in your preferred web browser by visiting http://localhost:3000
. Enjoy!
The following code snippet shows the custom Object Relational Mapper (ORM) built for BookWorm:
const db = require('./connection.js');
module.exports = {
selectAll: (tableName,callback) => {
db.query("SELECT * FROM ??",[tableName],(err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
insertOne: (tableName,newData,callback) => {
db.query("INSERT INTO ?? SET ?",[tableName,newData], (err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
updateOne: (tableName,newData,condition,callback) => {
db.query("UPDATE ?? SET ? WHERE ?",[tableName,newData,condition], function(err,res) {
if (err) throw err;
deleteOne: (tableName,condition,callback) => {
db.query("DELETE FROM ?? WHERE ?",[tableName,condition],(err,res) => {
if (err) throw err;
And the Book model built using the custom ORM:
const orm = require('../config/orm.js');
module.exports = {
all: cb => orm.selectAll("books",res => cb(res)),
create: (data, cb) => orm.insertOne("books",data,res => cb(res)),
update: (data,condition,cb) => orm.updateOne("books",data,condition,res => cb(res)),
delete: (condition, cb) => orm.deleteOne("books",condition,res => cb(res))
Amanda Atkins
This project is licensed under the ISC License.