Environment variables for Webex Devices macros
Enhance your Webex Devices Macro runtime with environment variables:
Wait for the ‘env-ready’ event and load variables for local ENV:
note : there are multiple options when it comes to initializing a macro with ENV variables. Check the example folder for other coding styles and use cases.
const xapi = require('xapi');
// Wait for ENV variables to be accesible
xapi.on('env-ready', async (ready) => {
const value = await getenv('DEVICE_SECRET');
xapi.command('UserInterface Message Prompt Display', {
Title: 'ENV',
Text: `$DEVICE_SECRET = ${value}`,
Duration: 10
// ENV library
// - getenv() function
Deploy the environment macro to a device.
Activate the ‘environment’ macro.
Copy the env-ready macro to the device, and activate it too.
You can pick either the minified or expanded version of ‘env-ready’.
Check the logs in the Macro Editor, you should see:
08:22:00 [system] Using XAPI transport: TSH
08:22:00 [system] Starting macros...
08:22:00 environment Loading...
08:22:00 getenv Loading...
08:22:02 getenv Ready!
08:22:02 environment Ready!
08:22:02 environment'starting in persistent mode: environment variables are stored in the "ENV" macro.'
08:22:03 getenv 'echo $DEVICE_SECRET = 1234'
Congrats, your ENV is working!
You can now copy the env-ready code snippet to an existing macro,
and initialize your macro from the xapi.on('env-ready', async (ready) => { ... })
code block.
Check the examples folder for inspiration.
Note that if a variable is not found in ENV, an empty value is returned.
Customize the DEFAULT_ENV with a predefined the list of ENV variables for your macros in environment:
const DEFAULT_ENV = {
Configure your ENV to be volatile or persistent by changing the value of volatile in in environment:
The environment is volatile by default.
const volatile = true; // set to false for persisted ENV variables
When changed to persistent, a ‘ENV’ file will be automatically created with the contents of the DEFAULT_ENV.
The ‘ENV’ file is materialized by another macro on your device.
Refresh the Macro Editor to make the ‘ENV’ macro appear.
As you update the DEFAULT_ENV in the ‘environment’ macro, make sure to delete the ‘ENV’ macro in order to re-initialize the ENV of the device.
Create or update ENV variables by sending a message on the LAN or from the cloud
Note: the commands below won’t work if the communications via Message/Send/Text commands are encrypted (see below)
# on the LAN: place your credentials
curl --request POST '{{endpoint}}/putxml' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/xml' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{credentials}}' \
--data-raw '<Command>
<Text>{'\''env'\'': '\''DEVICE_SECRET'\'', '\''operation'\'': '\''set'\'', '\''value'\'': 9876 }</Text>
# over the Cloud
# - replace the token with a Webex bot or admin token with the 'spark:xapi_commands' scope
# - paste the Webex identifier of your devices (from the Webex /devices API)
curl --request POST 'https://api.ciscospark.com/v1/xapi/command/message.send' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"deviceId": "Y2lzY29FyazovL3VzL0RFVklDRS83MzYLTQ3OGEtOTMyNC0xZmZiNjNmMjQzNWU",
"arguments": {
"Text": "{'\''env'\'': '\''DEVICE_SECRET'\'', '\''operation'\'': '\''set'\'', '\''value'\'': 789}"
Open the ‘environment’ macro, and change the value of TRACE_MESSAGES
to true
to trace the communications between the ‘environment’ and other macros.
When deploying CE customizations, one (or several combined) of the strategies below must be used to deal with secrets:
Using a Pub/Sub pattern, macros can request environment variables from an ‘Environment’ macro, that can provide static , volative or persisted values.
This project uses the device local bus to enable communication across Macros.
Moreover, the code uses several pattenrs to implement features not supported by CE:
The communications between the macros reading the ENV, and the ‘environment’ macro managing the ENV are send in clear text, via xCommand ‘Message Send Text’.
As ‘Message Send’ events can be listened by code with an ‘Integrator’ role, this represents a potential vulnerability if secrets were to be stored in the env.
We recommend to enhance the security of your deployment by using one or both of: encrypted communications and encryption at rest.
The ‘environment’ macro and ‘getenv()’ function support encrypted communications.
Turn on the encrypted boolean both the ‘environment’ macro and ‘getenv()’ function to start seeing the message flying as encrypted.
A ‘secret-based’ and symetric encryption implementation is provided in the proposed implementation.
Feel free to replace / enhance with a crypto algorithm that better meets your needs.
If secrets are to be stored, we recommend you encrypt these secrets before passing them to the environment.
Check the xapi-samples for examples of symetric and asymetric algorithms compatible with CE’s macro runtime.