项目作者: audienzzag

项目描述 :
React Native implementation of the Xandr (AppNexus) SDKs
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/audienzzag/react-native-audienzz.git
创建时间: 2021-08-30T14:00:50Z

开源协议:MIT License


React Native Audienzz Library (AppNexus)

React Native implementation of the AppNexus SDK (TypeScript).


  1. yarn add react-native-audienzz
  2. (cd ios && pod install)

You don’t have to manually link this library as it supports React Native auto-linking.


There are 2 types of ads implemented in the library: AppNexusBanner and AppNexusVideoBanner. Even though Banner ads may show videos as well (allowVideo property), AppNexusVideoBanner has its own separate instance.


AppNexusBanner component is used to display banners of different sizes.

Component example:

  1. import { AppNexusBanner } from 'react-native-audienzz';
  2. <AppNexusBanner
  3. placementId={"123456789"}
  4. sizes={[[300, 250]]}
  5. reloadOnAppStateChangeIfFailed
  6. autoRefreshInterval={30}
  7. keywords={{
  8. environment: 'test',
  9. }}
  10. allowVideo
  11. onAdLoadSuccess={() => console.log(`Loaded!`)}
  12. onAdLazyLoadSuccess={() => console.log(`Lazy loaded!`)}
  13. onAdLoadFail={() => {
  14. console.log(`Load failed!`);
  15. }}
  16. onAdVisibleChange={(visibilityType) => {
  17. console.log(`The ad visibility has changed`)
  18. }}
  19. />

AppNexusBanner props:

Name Description Required Type Example
placementId The placement ID identifies your banner in the system. You should have a valid, active placement ID to monetize your application YES String "1234567"
sizes An array of banner ad sizes to request YES Array [[300,250], [320,460]]
allowVideo Enabling Video Ads (outstream only). For the instream video ads, please refer to the AppNexusVideoBanner.
Default: false
AppNexus documentation: depending on which type of creative has the highest bid, either VAST video or regular HTML banner ads will appear in the app. The mechanism for deciding which type of ad to show is handled automatically for you by the SDK.
No Boolean true
autoRefreshInterval The interval (in seconds) on how often to reload the banner ad. The minimum allowed is 15, default is 30. To disable autorefresh, set to 0. No Number 30
keywords Add a custom keyword to the request URL for the ad. This is used to set custom targeting parameters within the AppNexus platform. You will be given the keys and values to use by your AppNexus account representative or your ad network. No Object { environment: 'test' }
onAdLoadSuccess A callback triggered when the ad is loaded and placed within the view. No Function () => console.log("The ad has been loaded")
onAdLazyLoadSuccess A callback triggered when the ad is pre-loaded. No Function () => console.log("The ad is lazy loaded / preloaded")
onAdVisibleChange A callback triggered when the visibility of the banner has been changed. Returns a visibility type (0 - if banner is not visible, 1 - if banner is partially visible, 2 - If banner is fully visible No Function (visibilityType: number) => console.log("The visibility has changed")
onAdLoadFail A callback triggered when the ad request to the server has failed. No Function () => console.log("The ad hasn't been loaded")
reloadOnAppStateChangeIfFailed Reloading ad if the app state has changed (background -> foreground). Works only if the ad is shown within the viewport and it is not loaded. Default: false No Boolean true
customUserAgent For IOS only. This parameter sets a custom UserAgent to correctly display received ad blocks. No String “”
percentVisibility The offset when the banner is considered visible (percentage of the entire banner view holder). Default: 50 No Number 50
openDeviceBrowser Add this flag to open the device’s native browser when the user clicks an ad. Default: false No Boolean false


AppNexusVideoBanner component is used to display video banners.

Component example:

  1. import { AppNexusVideoBanner } from 'react-native-audienzz';
  2. <AppNexusVideoBanner
  3. placementId={"123456789"}
  4. sizes={[[300, 250]]}
  5. keywords={{
  6. environment: 'test',
  7. }}
  8. onAdLoadSuccess={() => console.log('The video ad has been loaded!')}
  9. onAdLoadFail={() => console.log('The video ad has failed to load!')}
  10. onAdVisibleChange={(visibilityType) => {
  11. console.log(`The ad visibility has changed`)
  12. }}
  13. />

AppNexusVideoBanner props:

Name Description Required Type Example
placementId The placement ID identifies your banner in the system. You should have a valid, active placement ID to monetize your application YES String "1234567"
sizes An array of banner ad sizes to request YES Array [[300,250], [320,460]]
keywords Add a custom keyword to the request URL for the ad. This is used to set custom targeting parameters within the AppNexus platform. You will be given the keys and values to use by your AppNexus account representative or your ad network. No Object { environment: 'test' }
onAdLoadSuccess A callback triggered when the ad is loaded and placed within the view. No Function () => console.log("The ad has been loaded")
onAdVisibleChange A callback triggered when the visibility of the video banner has been changed. Returns a visibility type (0 - if banner is not visible, 1 - if banner is partially visible, 2 - If banner is fully visible No Function (visibilityType: number) => console.log("The visibility has changed")
onAdLoadFail A callback triggered when the ad request to the server has failed. No Function () => console.log("The ad hasn't been loaded")
customUserAgent For IOS only. This parameter sets a custom UserAgent to correctly display received ad blocks. No String “”
percentVisibility The offset when the banner is considered visible (percentage of the entire banner view holder). Default: 50 No Number 50


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