TEI Lex0: dictionary samples and tools
UPDATE (March 2023): Lex0 has now had its beautiful pages and resources stored under DARIAH, and so this repository if of historical value, although some data (some dictionary samples) should still migrate from here to DARIAH.
The “Dictionaries” project of TEI LingSIG is a spin-off of the joint ENeL/PARTHENOS/DARIAH project “TEI Lex0”. It features two repositories:
This directory collects samples of dictionary entries. For digitised dictionaries, please consider attaching a scan of the entry in the printed version. Note that other interesting samples can be accessed at https://github.com/ParthenosWP4/standardsLibrary .
This directory holds tools for the transformation to/from Lex0, vis-à-vis the samples/ directory
Stores the combined ODD for TEI Lex0.
As of September 2017 (or so), you may expect the ODD to specify documentation for elements of <form>
and <gramGrp>
, as discussed in “TEI-Lex0 Guidelines for the Encoding of Dictionary Information on Written and Spoken Forms” by Piotr Bański, Jack Bowers and Tomaž Erjavec (paper given at eLex 2017.
RELAX NG schema file with embedded Schematron rules, based on the ODD.
This is a test file to try out the ODD (via the schema generated from it).
Unless stated explicitly to the contrary, material deposited here is assumed to match the licensing conditions of the TEI Guidelines, namely CC+BY 3.0 Unported and BSD 2-clause.