Vehicle counting/tracking and speed estimation
Vehicle detection/tracking and speed estimation via next instruments:
UI is developed in seprate repository: Prepared static
directory after npm run build
is here‘
Both REST API and Redis publisher export following parameters for each user-defined vehicle class:
Flow (a.k.a intensity)
Number of vehicles that pass given zone (or cross virtual line) in a specified period of time - vehicles per period
You can cast any given flow to vehicles/hour
by multiplying the value by specific multiplier. E.g. software outputs 100 vehicles per 15 minutes
, then you may have 100*15=1500 vehicles/hour
Look up at Virtual lines section on how vehicles are counted for additional information.
Defined flow
Same as just flow, but it is a number of vehicles that both pass given zone (or cross virtual line) in specified period of time and HAVE defined speed. Sometimes software just can’t calculate speed, therefore defined flow has been introduced. This parameter could be renamed in further (in both documentation and code/api).
Average speed of the flow
Basically it is just average value among all speeds of vehicles that pass given zone (or cross virtual line) in a specified period of time. If speed could not be determined due some circumstances it is considered to be -1
(and not to be used in average aggregation).
For the all user-defined vehicles’ classes there are:
Average headway
Average value amoung all calculated headway values. Headhway is the time that elapsed between the arrival of the leading vehicle and following vehicle to the zone (or virtual line).
Let’s break down an example: you have 3 vehicles crossed a certain virtual line at specific times: [10:00:01, 10:00:07, 10:00:09]
. Then you have differences: [10:00:07 - 10:00:01, 10:00:09 - 10:00:07]
which gives [6 seconds, 2 seconds]
headways which gives (6+2)/2 = 4 seconds
as average headway.
You may ask: why average headway is not calculated for single class?
— It does not make that much sense to estimate it because headway is not that representative for some specific classes (e.g. bus) due the nature of distribution of that classes among the popular ones (e.g. personal cars). It could be reconsidered in further for some edge cases (PR’s are welcome).
imshow() output:
Web-UI for configuration:
You need installed Rust compiler obviously. Follow instruction of official site:
You need installed OpenCV and its contributors modules. I’m using OpenCV 4.7.0. I’d highly recommend to use OpenCV with CUDA. Here is Makefile adopted from this one if you want build it from sources (it’s targeted for Linux user obviously).
sudo make install_cuda
Be aware: OpenCV < 4.7.0 probably wont work with YOLOv8 (even with ONNX opset12) if you need those.
OpenCV’s bindings have already meant as dependencies in Cargo.toml
Clone the repo
git clone
Well, actually I provide yolov4-tiny configuration and weights file from official repository (authors of YOLOv4), but you are free to use yours.
I provide video file as sample also.
Сhange parameters for this utility by using template of configuration file. There is detailed explanation of each parameter.
Download weights and configuration files (optional)
YOLO v4 tiny - yolov4-tiny-vehicles-rect_best.weights + yolov4-tiny-vehicles-rect.cfg. It has been trained on filtered COCO dataset; classes are: “car”, “motorbike”, “bus”, “train”, “truck”
YOLO v3 tiny - tinyv3-vehicles_best.weights + tinyv3-vehicles.cfg. It has been trained on AIC HCMC 2020 challenge data; classes are: “car”, “motorbike”, “bus”, “truck”. More information here: . I like it more personally.
cargo run path-to-toml-file
If you want to use some Rust’s optimizations then call build and run
cargo build --release && ./target/release/rust-road-traffic path-to-toml-file
If you want both optimized in term of perfomance and stripped executable binary (thanks to
export RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' && cargo build --release && ./target/release/rust-road-traffic path-to-toml-file
UI configuration
If you enabled both REST API and MJPEG streaming and you want to adjust parameters for detection zones you could open http://localhost:42001/ in your browser and adjust polygons as you need (this UI still needs to be debugged and polished):
Configuration file lines:
enable = true
host = ""
back_end_port = 42001
api_scope = "/api"
enable = true
If you want to do some REST calls you can do following (based on rest_api field in TOML configuration files)
# Get polygons (GeoJSON) in which road traffic monitoring is requested
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:42001/api/polygons/geojson'
# Get statistics info for each polygon and each vehicle type in that polygon
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:42001/api/stats/all'
Export data
If you’ve enabled Redis output you can connect to Redis server (e.g. via CLI) and monitor incoming messages:
Configuration file lines:
enable = true
host = "localhost"
port = 6379
password = ""
db_index = 0
Both REST API and Redis publisher reset statistics in specific amount of time which could be adjusted via reset_data_milliseconds
reset_data_milliseconds = 30000
This utility supports vehicle counting via two approaches:
| Vehicle appeared in the zone | Vehicle crossed the line |
:————————————————:|:————————————————: |
But what is the point to have optional virtual line for zone? Why just not use either line or zone at all?
— Well, zone is essential for estimating speed, so it is needed for sure. Why need line then: sometimes it is needed to register vehicles in specific direction only or at specific moment of time (in center of zone, in bottom of zone, after zone and etc.).
You can configure virtual lines via configuration file or via UI (look at showcase):
lane_number = 0
lane_direction = 0
geometry = [[204, 542], [398, 558], [506, 325], [402, 318]]
geometry_wgs84 = [[-3.7058048784300297,40.39308821416677],[-3.7058296599552705,40.39306089952626],[-3.7059466895758533,40.393116604041296],[-3.705927467488266,40.39314855180666]]
color_rgb = [255, 0, 0]
# Remove lines below if you don't want to include virtual line
# Note: There is only one possible virtual line for given zone
geometry = [[254, 456], [456, 475]]
color_rgb = [255, 0, 0]
# lrtb - left->right or top-bottom object registration
# rtbt - right->left or bottom->top object registration
direction = "lrtb"
Please see this file
If you have troubles or questions please open an issue.