项目作者: Achint08

项目描述 :
Loklak media walls.
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Achint08/loklak_media_walls.git
创建时间: 2017-05-08T11:24:13Z



Loklak Media Walls

Build Status

Loklak media walls displays the latest social media posts from twitter on screen. A part of Loklak search project.

The site of this repo is deployed on the GitHub gh-pages branch and automatically deployed here: https://achint08.github.io/loklak_media_walls/

Technology Stack

  • HTML - Structure of the web page generated.
  • CSS - Styling options and details ofthe web page.
  • Javascript(JSON) - Used to store information for deploying the application such as dependencies.
  • Angular4 - Structure for deployment of the web page.

Services and Dependencies

  • Bower - The goal is to use Bower to manage front-end dependencies in future.



First we will need to install angular-cli by using the following command:

  1. $ npm install -g @angular/cli

After installing anular-cli we need to install our required node modules, so we will do that by using the following command:

  1. $ npm install

How to deploy?

Running on localhost:
  • Step 1: Fork loklak_media_walls repository and clone it to your desktop
  • Step 2: Then cd into that cloned folder
  • Step 3: Deploy locally by running this :$ ng serve

For deploying with Github Pages:

With these very simple steps you can have loklak_media_walls deployed:

  • Step 1: Fork loklak_media_walls repository and clone it to your desktop
  • Step 2: Then checkout to your master branch $ git checkout master
  • Step 3: Deploy running this : $ npm run deploy
  • Step 4: Visit https://yourusername.github.io/loklak_media_walls and you should see the search running
  • Step 5: As you search you might see that that it cant find anything, to resolve this, on search you will see there is a red shield on search bar, click on it and allow to load scripts
  • Step 6: Reload and you will have a function loklak search page deployed with github pages.

Loklak Server

See here to run your own https://github.com/loklak/loklak_server (recommended), and change apiUrl in config accordingly. Last resource, or for production is `http://api.loklak.org