项目作者: LucaFranceschini

项目描述 :
JavaScript transparent function wrapper with reflection capabilities
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/LucaFranceschini/wrapper-roo.git
创建时间: 2017-11-29T18:55:26Z

开源协议:ISC License



Wrap any function with custom hooks, executing code before and after the function, controlling arguments, result and so on, while still being as transparent as possible to the rest of the code.


npm version
Node.js CI
JavaScript Style Guide


The package can be locally installed from npm:

  1. $ npm i wrapper-roo


Pre- and post-hooks

A hook is a function to be executed before or after a given one:

  1. const wrap = require('wrapper-roo')
  2. function hello (name) { console.log('hello ' + name) }
  3. const wrapped = wrap(hello).withPrePostHooks(
  4. () => console.log('before'), // pre-hook
  5. () => console.log('after')) // post-hook
  6. wrapped('Crash')
  1. before
  2. hello Crash
  3. after

Arguments and return value are forwarded, thus the wrapper can be used just like the original function. See the wiki for more information.

Function Invocation Information

Hooks receive information about the function call as their first argument:

  1. const wrap = require('wrapper-roo')
  2. function foo () { /* ... */ }
  3. const wrapped = wrap(foo).withPreHook(data => {
  4. console.log('Calling function ' + data.function.name)
  5. console.log('Args: ' + data.arguments)
  6. })
  7. wrapped(1, 'hey')
  1. Calling function foo
  2. Args: [1,hey]

Function invocation metadata object received by hooks contains the following properties:

  • function: original function object to be wrapped;
  • arguments: array of arguments that were given to the function;
  • constructor: value of new.target in the original call, namely, the function after the new keyword in constructor calls;
  • this: object bound to this for the call;
  • boundFunction: a version of the wrapped function that is already bound to arguments, this and new.target.

Additional fields are available to post-hooks:

  • result: return value;
  • exception: thrown exception;
  • success: whether the execution of the function completed normally or an exception was thrown.

Note: invocation data is read-only: modifications to properties above are not allowed and will have no effect on the function execution.

Custom Hooks

Greater control can be achieved with custom hooks, if needed:

  1. const wrap = require('wrapper-roo')
  2. function foo () { /* ... */ }
  3. wrap(foo).withCustomHook((data, f) => { /* ... f() ... */ })

Custom hooks conveniently receive as a second argument the wrapped function already bound to this and arguments, and already set up as a constructor call if needed.
Just call f().

Note that no automatic handling of binding, arguments, exceptions etc is performed when directly invoking the original function as data.function().

(Fluent) API

The following functions are exposed:

  1. const wrap = require('wrapper-roo')
  2. wrap(func).withPreHook(preHook)
  3. wrap(func).withPostHook(postHook)
  4. wrap(func).withPrePostHooks(preHook, postHook)
  5. wrap(func).withCustomHook(hook)
  6. wrap.the(func) // just wrap it


Of course, identity is not preserved: wrap.the(func) !== func.

The current implementation is based on the Proxy API.
Caveats of this approach (corner cases) are listed here.


Install Node.js and npm, clone the repo and cd into it.

To install dependencies:

  1. $ npm i

To run linter, tests and get coverage report:

  1. $ npm test


See the wiki page for more information.