OpenBSD port of crystal
OpenBSD port of crystal; a Ruby-like, statically typed, object oriented, language. This port also includes shards a dependancy manager for Crystal.
pkg_add -D unsigned
On OpenBSD with ports installed:
cd /usr/ports/lang
git clone crystal
cd crystal
Easier and faster to add from ports then by compilation:
pkg_add gmake libiconv boehm-gc libevent llvm pcre libyaml bash
On MacOS/Linux:
cd root/dir/of/crystal/
make clean && make
.build/crystal build --release --cross-compile --target "amd64-unknown-openbsd6.3" -D i_know_what_im_doing src/compiler/
mv crystal.o crystal-v0.25.1.o
tar -cvf crystal-v0.25.1-object.tar crystal-v0.25.1.o
gzip -9 crystal-v0.25.1-object.tar
make clean=all
make makesum
make update-plist
make package