Python API using selenium that scrapes data from your account
Python API using selenium that scrapes data from your account
Also allows you to unfollow targeted accounts (non-follow-backers, ghost accounts)
Functionality for Ubuntu
Facebook has been mutating their html structure most weeks, this makes upkeep exhausting.
This project has lost a lot of its appeal for me, so I won’t be maintaining this tool.
All the code here is valid, and works - all that needs to be changed are the xpaths stored in Typically the only change in htmml is an extra “< div >”.
Hope someone else can have as much fun as I did with this project!
Size refers to the size of your account. Accounts with followers/following less than 500 users can run “small”,
bigger accounts must run “big” so your requests are paced more slowly.
Must be in the following format:
Username = usernom
Password = password
Size = [ big / small ]
GSheets are a great way to house and log your data..
You don’t have to include this functionality, but bits of the API are set up to support it.
follow this tutorial to correctly configure your automated sheet and get your credentials
I’ve included the data scraping bot I use with my API. Shows how I incorporated google sheets.
If you set up your Google Sheet with the instructions in the tutorial above, you can run my example.