Tunneling Correction to Chemical Kinetics
Tunneling Correction to Chemical Kinetics
Equations obtained from:
Wigner, E. Z., Über das Überschreiten von Potentialschwellen bei chemischen Reaktionen. 1932. Z. Phys. Chem. B, 19, 203. (Wigner’s approximation)
Garrett, B. C., & Truhlar, D. G., Semiclassical tunneling calculations. J. of Phys. Chem., 1979, 83(22), 2921-2926. (Eckart Potential)
R. T. Skodje, D. G. Truhlar and B. C. Garrett, A general small-curvature approximation for transition-state-theory transmission coefficients, J. Phys. Chem., 1981, 85, 3019–3023. (Parabolic Approximation)
Read Gaussian09 output files to generate Tunneling Correction κ (dimensionless), Corrected Rate kcorr (s-1) and Apparent Free Energy Barrier (kJmol-1)
Uncorrected rate [kuncorr] is obtained using the Eyring-Polanyi Equation, while Apparent Free Energy Barrier is back-transformed from the kcorr [kcorr=κkuncorr] using the same equation.
To evaluate κ for Eckart Potential, integration to obtain κ was calculated using 10-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature(Gives exact solution for polynomials of order up till 21)
Zero-point energy corrections are added to each species in the calculation.
User has to provide 6 files placed in the same directory as PyTUN.py:
Run PyTUN with Python 2.7 (Python 3 is currently not supported)
Simply Type:
python PyTUN.py
Sample Output:
Uncorrected delta G dagger is 148.392236
Uncorrected rate is 6.2526688665E-14
The Wigner tunneling correction is 1.924509
The Skodje tunneling correction is 3.328375
The Eckart tunneling correction is 3.001622
For Wigner Tunneling:
Corrected rate is 1.2033316318E-13
Apparent delta G dagger is 146.769335
For Skodje Tunneling:
Corrected rate is 2.0811226750E-13
Apparent delta G dagger is 145.411330
For Eckart Tunneling:
Corrected rate is 1.8768150989E-13
Apparent delta G dagger is 145.667483