项目作者: vincentlux

项目描述 :
Efficient Inference techniques implemented in PyTorch for computer vision.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/vincentlux/efficient-CV.git
创建时间: 2020-11-24T04:54:21Z




A repo to evaluate different low-latency inference methods using PyTorch

  • data: Cifar-100
  • techniques:
    • Quantization
    • Pruning
    • Knowledge Distillation

1. Train baseline model

  • Install dependency
  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Train baseline model (resnet18)
    1. python efficient_cv/train.py --do_train --do_eval --n_gpu 1 --optim sgd --num_epochs 100 --batch_size 128 --scheduler multistep --lr 0.1 --model_name resnet18

2. Train distillation student model

  • Direct logits training (resnet10) (paper):

    1. python efficient_cv/train.py --do_train --n_gpu 1 --optim sgd --num_epochs 200 --batch_size 128 --scheduler multistep --lr 0.1 --model_name resnet18 --student_model_name resnet10 --test_model_path <trained-model-path-from-step-2> --distill_method logits --distill_weight 0.1
  • Soft target training (resnet10) (paper):

    1. python efficient_cv/train.py --do_train --n_gpu 1 --optim sgd --num_epochs 200 --batch_size 128 --scheduler multistep --lr 0.1 --model_name resnet18 --student_model_name resnet10 --test_model_path <trained-model-path-from-step-2> --distill_method soft --distill_weight 0.1 --temperature 4

3. Evalution

  • Evaluate model with low-latency techniques
    python efficient_cv/train.py —do_eval —test_model_path —n_gpu 1 —benchmarks baseline,quantization,fp16,pruning,distillation —model_name resnet18 —student_model_name resnet10 —student_test_model_path



Distillation method refers to https://github.com/AberHu/Knowledge-Distillation-Zoo

Cifar100 baseline method refers to https://github.com/weiaicunzai/pytorch-cifar100