ft_memalloc |
malloc part of a memory and initializet it at 0 |
ft_memdel |
free allocated memory and put a pointer to NULL |
ft_strnew |
malloc a string and fills it with ‘\0’ |
ft_strdel |
free allocated string memory and put a pointer to NULL |
ft_strclr |
put all caracters of the string to ‘\0’ |
ft_striter |
apply func f to all characters in the string s |
ft_striteri |
apply func f to characters in the string s starting from index i |
ft_strmap |
appy func s to characters in the newly allocated string |
ft_strmapi |
appy func s to characters in the newly allocated string starting from index i |
ft_strequ |
lexicographically compare 2 strings |
ft_strnequ |
lexigraphically compare 2 string till character n |
ft_strsub |
partially copy a string in a newly allocated string |
ft_strjoin |
concanate 2 strings and put a result in a newly allocated string |
ft_strtrim |
trim all spaces in a string |
ft_strsplit |
cut the string s by character c and put it in newly allocated array |
ft_itoa |
represent int as string |
ft_putchar |
write char c on the standard input |
ft_putstr |
write a string on the standard input |
ft_putendl |
write a string of the stdin with ‘\n’ in the end |
ft_putnbr |
write an int on stdin |
ft_putchar_fd |
write char c to a fd |
ft_putstr_fd |
write str to a fd |
ft_putendl_fd |
write a string with ‘\n’ in the end to a fd |
ft_putnbr_fd |
write an int to a fd |
get_next_line |
read the content line by line, multiple fd managment |
ft_malloc_error |
print line and file of an memory allocation |