项目作者: Turandotte1

项目描述 :
My C lib
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/Turandotte1/Libft.git
创建时间: 2017-04-24T12:49:06Z




Standard libc functions:

  • ft_memset
  • ft_bzero
  • ft_memcpy
  • ft_memccpy
  • ft_memmove
  • ft_memchr
  • ft_memcmp
  • ft_strlen
  • ft_strdup
  • ft_strcpy
  • ft_strncpy
  • ft_strcat
  • ft_strncat
  • ft_strlcat
  • ft_strchr
  • ft_strrchr
  • ft_strstr
  • ft_strnstr
  • ft_strcmp
  • ft_strncmp
  • ft_atoi
  • ft_isalpha
  • ft_isdigit
  • ft_isalnum
  • ft_isascii
  • ft_isprint
  • ft_toupper
  • ft_tolower
  • ft_printf

Other useful C functions:

ft_memalloc malloc part of a memory and initializet it at 0
ft_memdel free allocated memory and put a pointer to NULL
ft_strnew malloc a string and fills it with ‘\0’
ft_strdel free allocated string memory and put a pointer to NULL
ft_strclr put all caracters of the string to ‘\0’
ft_striter apply func f to all characters in the string s
ft_striteri apply func f to characters in the string s starting from index i
ft_strmap appy func s to characters in the newly allocated string
ft_strmapi appy func s to characters in the newly allocated string starting from index i
ft_strequ lexicographically compare 2 strings
ft_strnequ lexigraphically compare 2 string till character n
ft_strsub partially copy a string in a newly allocated string
ft_strjoin concanate 2 strings and put a result in a newly allocated string
ft_strtrim trim all spaces in a string
ft_strsplit cut the string s by character c and put it in newly allocated array
ft_itoa represent int as string
ft_putchar write char c on the standard input
ft_putstr write a string on the standard input
ft_putendl write a string of the stdin with ‘\n’ in the end
ft_putnbr write an int on stdin
ft_putchar_fd write char c to a fd
ft_putstr_fd write str to a fd
ft_putendl_fd write a string with ‘\n’ in the end to a fd
ft_putnbr_fd write an int to a fd
get_next_line read the content line by line, multiple fd managment
ft_malloc_error print line and file of an memory allocation

List manipulation functions:

ft_lstnew allocate new list node
ft_lstdelone free list node
ft_lstdel free all the nodes
ft_lstadd add new node in the beginning of a list
ft_lstiter apply func f to each node of a list
ft_lstmap apply func f to newly allocated node
ft_doublelink_add add new node in the end in doubly linked list
ft_doublelink_add_head add new node in the head of doubly linked list
ft_doublelink_tail add new node in the tail of doubly linked list
ft_doublelink_creat allocate new node in doubly linked list
ft_doublelink_del free all nodes in double linked list