Secure E-Voting framework based on Ethereum blockchain and zkSNARK
Secure E-Voting framework based on Ethereum blockchain and zkSNARK
Demo Video
Voting is the representation of democracy in a country, to select a person for
parliament, approve a bill in a parliament and decision making in board meetings etc.
Voting systems have been around of hundreds of years and but they were evolving
very slowly. Many solutions were proposed in the history, but most of them were
rejected because of some security issues and limitations. Finally at the 21th century,
evoting systems started to bloom with the development of the web technologies
With the development of the blockchain 2.0, the researchers started to go towards a
new destination by applying blockchain to software engineering applications. E-voting
systems were developed based on Ethereum as well as Zcash and bitcoin. But they
were not full e-voting frameworks. Due to the limitations of proposed solution, those
were unable to exist with the modern world.
In order to prove feasibility of developing a secure e-voting system by combining
some concepts of Zcash with the ethereum platform, this research is about to
implement a full e-voting framework with voter registration, voter verification, voting,
tallying and end to end verification etc. To maintain the user privacy, zk-SNARK
which is a concept used in Zcash for maintaining private transactions, was used. To
write Immutable codes, a concept called smart contract which is used in ethereum, was
used. Due to the experiment and testing we done, it is very clear that this system is
practical solution and works fine by protecting voter privacy.