Apache Spark中所有机器学习算法的示例
This Project Contains Example of 2 Machine Learning Algorithms.
1. ALS Algorithm Example includes the implementation of Movie Recommendation Engine.
We are using the MovieLens Dataset to Recommend movie.
User will be Asked for rating 15 movies on the Scale of 0 - 10.
If User have not seen the movie he can give 0 as Score.
Output will be the 50 movie Recommended to User.
2. ALS Algorithm Example includes the implementation of Music Recommendation Engine.
We are using the Last.FM Dataset to Recommend Music.
Before running the Process Please Download the Dataset from `http://www-etud.iro.umontreal.ca/~bergstrj/audioscrobbler_data.html`.
Replace the File in `src/main/resources` file with Downloaded one.
Then run the process
Naive Bayes Algorithm Example includes the Implementation of Tennis Match Prediction.
We are using sample data to train the Algorithm.
On the Basis of trained data we can give input TO Predict weather match will eb Played or Not.
The output will be percentage of Possiblity.
and Apache Spark version 2.1.0