项目作者: hyuraku

项目描述 :
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API Ruby wrapper
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/hyuraku/met_museum.git
创建时间: 2019-01-20T02:15:54Z

开源协议:MIT License



The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API Ruby wrapper

The API document is here


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

  1. gem 'met_museum'

And then execute:

  1. $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

  1. $ gem install met_museum


  1. require 'met_museum'

The description of the method is as follows


rb collection = MetMuseum::Collection.new() collection.objects => {"total"=>494788, "objectIDs"=> [1, 2, 3, 4, --< omit >-- 826602]} collection.objects(metadataDate: Date.new(2018,10,10)) =>{"total"=>355400, "objectIDs"=> [33, 35, 36, 74, 75, --< omit >-- 826307]} collection.objects(departmentIds: 1) => {"total"=>18572, "objectIDs"=> [1, 2, 3, 4, --< omit >-- 821352]} collection.objects(metadataDate: Date.new(2018,10,10),departmentIds: 1) => {"total"=>15439, "objectIDs"=> [7, 8, 33, 34, --< omit >-- 816271]}


rb MetMuseum::Collection.new.object(1000) => {"objectID"=>1000, "isHighlight"=>false, "accessionNumber"=>"10.149.99", "isPublicDomain"=>true, "primaryImage"=>"https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ad/original/DP258638.jpg", "primaryImageSmall"=>"https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ad/web-large/DP258638.jpg", "additionalImages"=>[], "constituents"=>nil, "department"=>"The American Wing", "objectName"=>"Bread plate", "title"=>"Bread Plate", "culture"=>"Chinese, for American market", "period"=>"", "dynasty"=>"", "reign"=>"", "portfolio"=>"", "artistRole"=>"", "artistPrefix"=>"", "artistDisplayName"=>"", "artistDisplayBio"=>"", "artistSuffix"=>"", "artistAlphaSort"=>"", "artistNationality"=>"", "artistBeginDate"=>"", "artistEndDate"=>"", "objectDate"=>"1785–90", "objectBeginDate"=>1785, "objectEndDate"=>1790, "medium"=>"Porcelain", "dimensions"=>"Diam. 6 1/4 in. (15.9 cm)", "creditLine"=>"Bequest of James T. Woodward, 1910", "geographyType"=>"Made in", "city"=>"", "state"=>"", "county"=>"", "country"=>"China", "region"=>"", "subregion"=>"", "locale"=>"", "locus"=>"", "excavation"=>"", "river"=>"", "classification"=>"Ceramics", "rightsAndReproduction"=>"", "linkResource"=>"", "metadataDate"=>"2019-01-30T09:08:07.74Z", "repository"=>"Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY", "objectURL"=>"https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/1000"} "tags"=>["Coat of Arms", "Dishes"]}


rb # show object_ids size and themselves MetMuseum::Collection.new.department => {"departments"=> [{"departmentId"=>1, "displayName"=>"American Decorative Arts"}, {"departmentId"=>3, "displayName"=>"Ancient Near Eastern Art"}, {"departmentId"=>4, "displayName"=>"Arms and Armor"}, {"departmentId"=>5, "displayName"=>"Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas"}, {"departmentId"=>6, "displayName"=>"Asian Art"}, {"departmentId"=>7, "displayName"=>"The Cloisters"}, --< omit >--


rb # show object_ids size and themselves MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('ocean') => {"total"=>189, "objectIDs"=> [250487, 12544, 436005, 8314, 8315, 8317, --< omit >-- # show specified number of objects MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('akasaka', {limit: 1}) => [{"objectID"=>37231, "isHighlight"=>false, "accessionNumber"=>"JP787", "isPublicDomain"=>true, "primaryImage"=>"https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/as/original/DP123261.jpg", "primaryImageSmall"=>"https://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/as/web-large/DP123261.jpg", "additionalImages"=>[], "constituents"=>[{"role"=>"Artist", "name"=>"Utagawa Hiroshige"}], "department"=>"Asian Art", "objectName"=>"Print", "title"=>"Akasaka", "culture"=>"Japan", "period"=>"Edo period (1615–1868)", "dynasty"=>"", "reign"=>"", "portfolio"=>"", "artistRole"=>"", "artistPrefix"=>"", "artistDisplayName"=>"", "artistDisplayBio"=>"", "artistSuffix"=>"", "artistAlphaSort"=>"", "artistNationality"=>"", "artistBeginDate"=>"", "artistEndDate"=>"", "objectDate"=>"ca. 1840", "objectBeginDate"=>1830, "objectEndDate"=>1850, "medium"=>"Polychrome woodblock print; ink and color on paper", "dimensions"=>"Overall: 8 3/4 x 13 3/4in. (22.2 x 34.9cm)", "creditLine"=>"The Francis Lathrop Collection, Purchase, Frederick C. Hewitt Fund, 1911", "geographyType"=>"", "city"=>"", "state"=>"", "county"=>"", "country"=>"", "region"=>"", "subregion"=>"", "locale"=>"", "locus"=>"", "excavation"=>"", "river"=>"", "classification"=>"Prints", "rightsAndReproduction"=>"", "linkResource"=>"", "metadataDate"=>"2019-05-11T05:36:53.803Z", "repository"=>"Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY", "objectURL"=>"https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/37231", "tags"=>["Buildings", "Men", "Women"]}] # show object_ids size and themselves with certain departmentId --< omit >-- MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {departmentId: 12}) => {"total"=>7922, "objectIDs"=> [207138, 197555, 207151, 206979, --< omit >-- # show object_ids size and themselves which are isOnView MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {isOnView: true}) => => {"total"=>2066, "objectIDs"=> [207138, 3689, 11207, 252906, 252349, --< omit >-- # show object_ids size and themselves which are artistOrCulture MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {artistOrCulture: true}) => {"total"=>5, "objectIDs"=>[207138, 3689, 196563, 196560, 198662]} # show object_ids size and themselves with certain medium MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {medium: "Paintings"}) => {"total"=>706, "objectIDs"=> [11207, 436121, 10481, 435882, --< omit >-- # show object_ids size and themselves which are hasImages MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {hasImages: true}) => {"total"=>18731, "objectIDs"=> [207138, 3689, 11207, 252906, --< omit >-- # show object_ids size and themselves with certain geoLocation MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {geoLocation: "Paris"}) => {"total"=>292, "objectIDs"=> [195320, 707455, 193814, 200432, --< omit >-- # show object_ids size and themselves with datarange MetMuseum::Collection.new.search('flower', {dateBegin: 1700,dateEnd: 1750}) => {"total"=>1444, "objectIDs"=> [9199, 3759, 398162, 666591, --< omit >--


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/hyuraku/met_museum. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the MetMuseum project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.