Radialyse Codebase
The website is split into three parts at the moment with varying levels of progress:
This document will be gradually updated to explain how each part functions and is used
Our API has a number of endpoints each returning data in JSON format. At first the API will be open then I will build the security part into it.
Endpoints and the data they return
The endpoint above returns a list of the types of tests we have in our database.
'id' : 1,
'name' : 'Analyse',
'id' : 2,
'name' : 'Imagerie'
Above is an example of the results returned when you make a GET request to the endpoint from Android or JavaScript via JSON.
The endpoint above returns a list of the medical tests that are of the type of value TYPE_ID
"id": 2,
"medical_test_type_id": 2,
"name": "test 1",
"created_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:46",
"updated_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:46"
"id": 4,
"medical_test_type_id": 2,
"name": "test 3",
"created_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:48",
"updated_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:48"
"id": 6,
"medical_test_type_id": 2,
"name": "test 5",
"created_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:49",
"updated_at": "2018-11-16 21:40:49"
Above is an example of the results returned by accessing the tests endpoint with a TYPE_ID of 2 with a GET request from Android or JS via JSON.
The endpoint above returns a list of the medical centers with the price of the test whose is id given as TEST_ID in the request
"id": 1,
"price": 671,
"center_name": "Upton and Sons",
"center_lat": 83.237153,
"center_long": -146.772725,
"center_address": "39083 Lonie Islands Apt. 637\nJairomouth, MO 21922-8372"
"id": 5,
"price": 734,
"center_name": "Glover, Runolfsson and Erdman",
"center_lat": 51.631271,
"center_long": -93.549491,
"center_address": "110 Alessia Lights\nAlvenaview, NM 85866"
"id": 6,
"price": 573,
"center_name": "Sporer Group",
"center_lat": 80.596534,
"center_long": 3.38956,
"center_address": "9851 Rippin Rapids Apt. 846\nLake Leilaland, VT 13454"
"id": 7,
"price": 1129,
"center_name": "Glover PLC",
"center_lat": 48.644572,
"center_long": 176.779727,
"center_address": "931 Nienow Pass\nCaseyside, VT 93187"
"id": 8,
"price": 1453,
"center_name": "Swaniawski-Konopelski",
"center_lat": 89.737655,
"center_long": 132.44728,
"center_address": "31938 Raynor Mission\nWest Danial, VT 09006"
"id": 11,
"price": 1549,
"center_name": "Walker, Runte and McKenzie",
"center_lat": -61.969697,
"center_long": -113.479442,
"center_address": "842 Bettie Island\nPrinceborough, IL 11441-2648"
"id": 12,
"price": 1167,
"center_name": "Mitchell, Tromp and Dickens",
"center_lat": -16.75132,
"center_long": 43.702346,
"center_address": "147 Napoleon Cove\nWaltonfurt, GA 19471-2349"
"id": 15,
"price": 1440,
"center_name": "Beahan-Denesik",
"center_lat": -18.225102,
"center_long": -19.467267,
"center_address": "824 Nettie Shores\nSouth Clinton, IA 43994-1587"
"id": 17,
"price": 1825,
"center_name": "Cole-Leffler",
"center_lat": -11.964176,
"center_long": 73.227349,
"center_address": "570 Johnson Springs Apt. 293\nEast Adriennefort, IN 77410-8504"
"id": 19,
"price": 1840,
"center_name": "D'Amore, Jast and Dickinson",
"center_lat": -52.350477,
"center_long": -36.600891,
"center_address": "607 Eileen Pines Apt. 118\nStokeschester, WY 24508-0278"
"id": 20,
"price": 1252,
"center_name": "Murphy, Quigley and Beer",
"center_lat": 82.174563,
"center_long": -81.098407,
"center_address": "525 Carolyne Isle Apt. 022\nEast Kaydenchester, MN 23680-5814"
Above is an example of the results of accessing the endpoint with a TEST_ID of 2
To Be Continued……