项目作者: andycek

项目描述 :
Let bees and planet Earth survive
项目地址: git://github.com/andycek/BEe-intelligent.git
创建时间: 2021-04-24T17:58:37Z




Let bees and planet Earth survive!

Building AI course project - https://buildingai.elementsofai.com/


Bees are fundamental for life on our planet Earth but they are in danger due to chemical products used for agricolture.
Images from satellite and also public panoramic images from the internet can be processed by AI methods to build a map of safe areas for bees where beekeepers can bring their hives to let these little insects work safely.


How is it used?

Images from countryside collected over the internet and from specific sources can be classified into groups concerning both:

  • chemical pollution level
  • floreal species

This enables the whole system to build a map of areas in Europe with information about flower variety and chemical substances concentration.

The main users of the system are beekeepers that can find where to place their hives to let bees fly on flowers of a particular kind and avoid areas with higher pollution level.

Data sources and AI methods

Every georeferenced image of a landscape or terrain of areas inside Europe can be used as an input for this project:

  • satellite images
  • public ones published on the internet
  • images retrieved for the specific purpose of this project

Deep learning and neural networks are the main methods exploited to process images and classify them into groups concerning both:

  • chemical pollution level
  • floreal species

This enables the whole system to build a map of areas in Europe where beekeepers can find specific flowers variety avoiding areas with higher pollution level.

What next?

Next step is … the world! We can map even the whole world to help bees everywhere to find a clean environment for pollination!


  • Reaktor and University of Helsinki for the helpfull courses “Elements of AI” and “Building AI”
  • … and my dear Diana for supporting me!