具有A-Frame UI和Jetty后端的文件管理器。适用于FF夜间构建和HTC Vive。
File manager with A-Frame UI and Jetty backend. Works with FF nightly build and HTC Vive.
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This project is an attempt to build a more or less universal VR environment or shell for browsing tree-style data (like file systems with files and folders) and running applications which could be downloaded and executed separately but in one uniform interactive 3D space. These applications could exchange visual data with each other and are subject to various manipulations.
Such a shell could be used as
Current state is nearly a draft, but quite functional, and actually is used by me on a daily basis (for sorting photos and misc stuff on remote file storages).
This app consists of two parts: frontend built with A-Frame framework and backend implemented as Spring MVC service with embedded Jetty web-server. However both parts could be replaced with something else as long as simple JSON-based exchange protocol is supported.
Install Java 8
Download Firefox nightly build
Enable OpenVR support in FF nightly: https://blog.mozvr.com/experimental-htc-vive-support-in-firefox-nightly/
Run jar-file either by doubleclicking or from command line:
java -jar filemanager-vr.jar
Go to http://localhost:10101 and enter VR.
Copy CSV file from examples to the real directory to test OLAP cubes visualization.