Extension of EDAM towards geo- and other sciences, including Earth and planetary sciences, climate science, ecology, public health, environmental monitoring, emergency management, etc. Everyone welcome to view & comment at https://webprotege.stanford.edu/#projects/69591619-4eda-4f03-9e7f-65b213038fe1/edit/Classes (free registration needed).
DOI representing all stable versions, resolving to the latest:
DOI of the latest stable EDAM version 1.25:
Current status of the ‘main’ development file:
Twitter: @edamontology (follow).
EDAM is a comprehensive ontology of well-established, familiar concepts that are prevalent within computational biology, bioinformatics, and bioimage informatics. EDAM includes types of data and data identifiers, data formats, operations, and topics related to data analysis in life sciences. EDAM provides a set of concepts with preferred terms and synonyms, related terms, definitions, and other information - organised into a simple and intuitive hierarchy for convenient use (see figure).
EDAM is particularly suitable for semantic annotations and categorisation of diverse resources related to bioscientific data analysis: e.g. tools, workflows, or training materials. EDAM is also useful in data management, for recording provenance metadata of processed bioscientific data.
EDAM can be browsed online at the NCBO BioPortal, at OLS, and in the EDAM Browser.
The all-newest unstable version can be browsed and commented at the NCBO BioPortal and WebProtégé (free registration required).
The latest stable version is always downloable from http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl | tsv | csv. For older versions, see http://edamontology.org/page#Download or /releases.
Comprehensive documentation and guidelines are available via readthedocs (maintained here).
A quick overview is at the http://edamontology.org home page.
If you refer to EDAM or its part in a scholarly publication, please cite:
Ison, J., Kalaš, M., Jonassen, I., Bolser, D., Uludag, M., McWilliam, H., Malone, J., Lopez, R., Pettifer, S. and Rice, P. (2013). EDAM: an ontology of bioinformatics operations, types of data and identifiers, topics and formats. Bioinformatics, 29(10): 1325-1332. PMID: 23479348 Open access
EDAM releases are citable with DOIs too, for cases when that is needed. represents all releases and resolves to the DOI of the last stable release.
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approximately the next 12 months, starting from June 2021.
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