项目作者: tweag

项目描述 :
Stackage builds based on GHC HEAD
高级语言: Haskell
项目地址: git://github.com/tweag/stackage-head.git
创建时间: 2017-11-07T05:52:09Z



Stackage builds based on GHC HEAD


This project is an effort to build Stackage with arbitrary GHC development
versions and, in particular, with the development HEAD. This allows us to
detect regressions during GHC development much faster.

How it works

The process is currently run on Circle CI 4 times a day and can be described
as the following progression of steps:

  1. Start with the docker container that is used to build Stackage Nightly,

  2. To avoid re-compiling GHC every time we use build artifacts and some
    associated metadata provided by

  3. Download Stackage curator that is used to execute build plans.

  4. Reuse a plan from the
    repository. These plans are known to build fine, so they are OK for us in
    most cases, and even if a couple of packages cannot be built it’s not a
    big deal and can be detected as usual (see below).

  5. Update, if necessary, the downloaded plan setting source URLs in case we
    need to use not-yet-released versions of some packages.

  6. Execute the chosen build plan and save the build log.

  7. Parse the build log and turn it into a build report, store it for future

  8. Compare two most recent build reports and detect regressions. Fail if
    there are suspicious changes (which are necessarily due to some changes
    in GHC, because we build always with the same build plan, only changing
    GHC commits).

  9. GHC team is notified if the build fails.

Updating the snapshot

The Stackage snapshot used for the builds is updated manually.
The reason is that we don’t want extra noise and volatility associated with
changing snapshots.

Updating the snapshot is usually as simple as editing .circleci/config.yml and
changing the line

  1. BUILD_PLAN: nightly-2018-10-23

to something else.

Occasinally, our docker image also needs to be rebuilt
on top of the latest snoyberg/stackage:nightly image—for instance,
if a newly added package needs an extra system dependency.
The corresponding Dockerfile is at .circleci/images/primary/Dockerfile.
The image then needs to be uploaded to Docker Hub and the following line updated
in .circleci/config.yml:

  1. docker:
  2. - image: rctwg/stackage-head:0.3.2

You can see when snoyberg/stackage:nightly was last updated here.

Blog posts and talks


Copyright © 2018 Tweag I/O

Distributed under BSD 3 clause license.