项目作者: Zulko
项目描述 :
Create, share and remix GIFs online
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/Zulko/gix.git

Gix - Gif, Share, Remix
Gix is a GIF editor using web technologies:

Main features
- Gix runs entirely in your browser - no account needed, no privacy issues, no server costs.
- Social GIFing: share your projects as (long!) URLs, so others can remix them.
- Creative freedom: create, combine, caption and animate.
- An interface that
is clean and intuitive makes your GIFs look good by comparison.
Project setup
yarn install
yarn serve # compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn build # compiles and minifies for production
Gix is open source software originally written by Zulko and released on Github under the MIT License. This is still work in progress. Expect only medium stability at this point.
You can contribute by:
- Reporting bugs, requesting new features, suggesting new ideas. Open a new issue for that.
- Tackling any of the open issues marked “enhancement” of “bug” that is not assigned to someone else (comment on the issue so others know you are working on it).