Multilingual wishlist application
BestWishes is a multilingual wishlist application allowing users to manage their wishlist and indicate who havecomposer.json bought what to avoid receiving the same gift for Christmas (for example).
Users can also add surprise gifts and manage additions and purchase alerts.
Recurrent as well as “one-shot” events are also configurable.
The current branch is based on symfony 6.x. For symfony 5.4 version see 1.x
BestWishes uses Composer to ease the creation of a new project:
$ composer create-project webdl/bestwishes path/to/install
Composer will create a new BestWishes project under the path/to/install
You will have to enter main parameters such as database info and others in the .env
After having indicated the main parameters, run
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
to create the database, and
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
to populate schema.
An installer is needed, didn’t have the time to do it yet.