WordPress testing plugin
Contributors: ustimenko, starlift, ufukluker, mimaes, memjavad, metavoor, natchalike, it2core, champ1on, rezaamaleki, cristipere, osfans, chrispeiffer, jacha, ilariarizzo, borrypsy, coach2talk, ikurtuldu
Tags: psychological, testing, test, quiz
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 0.21.19
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Create psychological tests/quizzes with scales connected to results through simple formulas like “extraversion > 50%”
Create typical or advanced psychological tests (quizzes, assessments) with questions and answers. A respondent answers and receives results.
What’s inside? Scales associated with the particular answer by scores. Simple formulas like extraversion > 50%
upon calculation give you results.
plugin)Edit scales, results and categories through wordpress standard editors, like categories editor. Associate them in sidebar. Change test questions, answers and formulas in standard wordpress metaboxes, below content. Reorder them if you like drag-n-drop.
At the top of content editor there are buttons for quick access to those metaboxes: Add New Questions, Edit Questions and Scores, Edit Formulas. If you want more control, you may add to them HTML tags like: headers, lists, images, hr and “read more” tag taken from post editor.
Answers can be global to test — when all questions have the same answers. For example: “Yes”, “No”, “I’m not sure”. Or you can use individual answers to add individual answer to each question. And the third way is to use global answers, but individualize their titles: not just “Yes”, but “Yes, I do so and so”, when you use it for the particular question. Some tests have this pattern.
Simple formulas editor has buttons for each scale (with sum of it’s scores), question/answer button and allowed comparisions/operators: <
, >
, <=
, =>
, <>
, OR
, ( .. )
, NOT ( .. )
, +
, -
, *
, /
Tests are like posts — they appear on home page and inside their categories pages if selected. But if you don’t want your test to appear on home page, you can uncheck “Publish on the home page” in “Publish” metabox and this test will not appear on homepage.
Quick fill for questions and scores minimizes author’s time. You can quick fill questions from text and they will fill appropriate fields. Same way you can Quick fill scores in many questions some answer+scale combination.
Respondent will get results on it’s own individual passing page, which will allow share it. Logged-in respondent can see own results in admin area above the “Profile” page. There will be table with columns like: passing number, link, test, scales, results and date. It’s possible to search/sort by test and date columns.
Passings are saved in DB with respondent’s ip and device unique identifier. They are shown at “Respondents’ results” table under “Tests” menu. It allow to see if someone will have many passings from same computer/smartphone/another device, which scales/results respondent have for concrete passing and ability to open it from there. If respondent was a logged in user — then you will see it in “Username” column with a link to profile. “Respondents’ results” can be searched/sorted by most of it’s columns. You can setup which columns you want to see there and how many passings per page you want to see.
Test page can be customized: reset answers on “Back” button, use your own caption for “Get Test Result” button, allow multiple answers per question, show percentage of answered questions and show one question per page.
Results page also can be customized: when you need to show/hide scales or test description on it; when you want to show scales chart or sort scales by scores sum.
Plugin localized into many languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Bulgarian, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Brazilian, Spanish, Persian, Czech, Slovak, Thai, Arabic, Romanian, Greek, Icelandic, Hebrew and Russian. English, French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Brazilian, Spanish, Persian, Czech, Slovak, Thai, Arabic, Romanian, Greek, Polish, Icelandic, Hebrew and Russian have good quality (native speakers) — others need review. You can easily add your language through excellent Transifiex service. Translators and reviewers are kindly welcome! See http://wp-translations.org/join/ for instructions.
Quality and compatibility are taken really seriously. Plugin tested on more than 30 combinations of WordPress (from 3.2 to latest) and PHP (from 5.2 to 7.3) plus three custom combinations: for old MySQL storage engine (MyISAM), with few popular plugins and in multisite mode. So you can be sure, that it will just work, even if you don’t have the latest WordPress or your hosting doesn’t have the latest versions of PHP/MySQL. Build status image is available.
PS: If something broken or doesn’t work, pls create new topic in “Support” tab! Good support topic describes problem and have WP version and other plugins that you have in it.
There is no single “Pro”/“Premium” version with features, but each paid add-on has it’s own feature.
Implemented and ready to run:
For complex test logic or plugin environment specific issues paid support is available.
Most possibly it’s a conflict with your current theme or some of other plugin.
To check it — try to switch theme to default WP theme and see if it helps.
In case of plugins conflict try to disable other plugins one by one and check. Or disable all of them and check — it will help to understand if problem is on other plugins side.
Another possible source of troubles is mis-configured mod_security. Ask your hoster about it. If it could be disabled or reconfigured to avoid false-positives, then your hoster is good. Otherwise it’s better to switch to more competent hoster.
Try to find there phrases like “Class … not found” or “Call to undefined function …”. If it’s the case — then your current hoster has disabled some PHP extension. Contact with your hosting company to enable them. Most popular missing extension is “mysqli”.
See the video, screenshots and example test. We will not plan to create any documentation. For complex test logic paid support is available.
wpt_tests — the list of tests. Attributes (allowed values): sort/reverse (id, title, created, modified, status, name, comments), max (number), id (numbers separated by commas), list (values for CSS list-style-type
), class (any CSS class name).
wpt_test_read_more — the title of test, text before “more” and “Start Test” button. Attributes (allowed values): id/name (id or name or your test), start_title (any text), class (any CSS class name).
wpt_test_first_page — the first page of the test with title. Attributes (allowed values): id/name (id or name or your test), class (any CSS class name).
Create new support topic if same feature topic not yet created and describe there what do you want. You can check already created topics from tags list.
Some features already implemented or planned to as a paid addons — see sticked topic at forum.
WordPress as platform good as it’s opensource and popular — you can find someone who knows it and it’s technologies for your tasks.
But if you think it should be me — then contact me.