Cubic Hermite Splines in Gnuplot. C1 (continuous + continuous 1st der.) piece-wise functions made of cubic polynomials.
Library to create cubic hermite splines in gnuplot. Cubic splines are C1 piece-wise polynomial functions (of local degree 3) for which are specified value and first-derivative of the control points.
I used this library to create sketches of second-order [Lagrangian structure functions for turbulence (e.g. Fig.3 in this paper) as in the example above.
load "cubic_hermite_spline.lib.gnu"
set parametric
plot t, cubHerMulti5t(x0,u0, x1,u1, x2,u2, x3,u3, x4,u4, x5,u5 ,t)
Here xi,ui
are, respectively, the value of the spline and of its first derivative.
The functions cubHerMulti2t
, …, cubHerMulti5t
expect, respectively, 2, … , 5 input control points.
The library can be easily extended to more control points; the API as well should be modified to accept arrays as inputs.