项目作者: alexmyczko

项目描述 :
高级语言: Batchfile
项目地址: git://github.com/alexmyczko/livecd.gnustep.org.git
创建时间: 2017-08-02T13:15:54Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0




The current versions are based on the instructions at https://willhaley.com/blog/custom-debian-live-environment/

gnustep-language/ This should be in SystemPreferences (the languages part)

Debian Menu system (thanks to the freedesktop.org)


/etc/skel is used for the me user to preconfigure the GNUstep applications, some tools, and Window Maker

Symlinks (thanks to the freedesktop.org)

  • /bin/open is removed, see https://bugs.debian.org/732796
  • /usr/bin/open a symlink to /usr/bin/gopen (also do that for the manual page)
  • /Applications to /usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/
  • /Users to /home/
  • /Volumes to /mnt

/etc/init.d/autoexec.bat run via /etc/rc2.d/S02autoexec.bat

  1. # set the background color to a dark blue
  2. echo "\033]P0015284"
  3. # set the gray font color to light blue
  4. echo "\033]P7ffffff"
  5. # set no password for root
  6. sed -i s,^root:.*,root::12522:0:99999:7:::, /etc/shadow
  7. sed -i s,output=/usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Library/Fonts/,output=/etc/skel/GNUstep/Library/Fonts/,g /usr/bin/update-nfonts
  8. # create a user called "me"
  9. useradd me -d /home/me -m -s /bin/zsh
  10. #chsh -s /bin/zsh me
  11. adduser me tty
  12. adduser me audio
  13. chmod 0660 /dev/tty*
  14. update-rc.d -f ssh remove > /dev/null
  15. update-rc.d -f wdm remove > /dev/null
  16. update-rc.d -f cron remove > /dev/null
  17. update-rc.d -f knot remove > /dev/null
  18. update-rc.d -f xrdp remove > /dev/null
  19. update-rc.d -f klogd remove > /dev/null
  20. update-rc.d -f samba remove > /dev/null
  21. update-rc.d -f cupsys remove > /dev/null
  22. update-rc.d -f motion remove > /dev/null
  23. update-rc.d -f apache2 remove > /dev/null
  24. update-rc.d -f hddtemp remove > /dev/null
  25. update-rc.d -f portmap remove > /dev/null
  26. update-rc.d -f sysklogd remove > /dev/null
  27. update-rc.d -f tftpd-hpa remove > /dev/null
  28. update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove > /dev/null
  29. update-rc.d -f dhcp3-server remove > /dev/null
  30. update-rc.d -f smartmontools remove > /dev/null
  31. update-rc.d -f nfs-kernel-server remove > /dev/null
  32. #echo "Please wait while the fonts are prepared..."
  33. #/bin/su -s /bin/zsh -c "/usr/bin/update-nfonts > /dev/null" - me
  34. init-zram-swapping


Set a random background image

  • sed -i “s,/usr/share/WindowMaker/Backgrounds/debian.tiff,ls ~/Backgrounds/water* | shuf -n1,g” /home/me/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker

Set a random nickname for the TalkSoup IRC client, if started, autoconnect to irc.gnu.org and autojoin #gnustep

  • sed -i “s,Nick = FIXME,Nick = shuf -n1 /home/me/.nicknames,g” /home/me/GNUstep/Library/ApplicationSupport/TalkSoup/ServerList.plist

Set display gamma at least to 1.6 (PC screens are too dark)

  • xgamma -gamma 1.6

Run the window manager

  • exec wmaker

Debian Packages

Since Debian Stretch (9) does not have the following software, we add them manually:

  • chess.app_2.8-1_amd64.deb, see https://bugs.debian.org/861862
  • fontmanager.app_0.1-1_amd64.deb
  • fonts-blankenburg_0.1-1_all.deb
  • fonts-leaguespartan_0.1-1_all.deb
  • mrboom_3.3-1_amd64.deb
  • protracker_2.3d.r10-1_amd64.deb
  • textedit.app_5.0-1_amd64.deb (NOT YET)
  • zram-config_0.5_all.deb
  • emacs.app (NOT YET), see https://bugs.debian.org/299324