"$: command not found" will haunt you no longer 🙉 PASTE FROM TUTORIALS WITH POWER!
You ever follow a tutorial and then have a this $
little squigly boi show his ugly head?
# Welcome to whatever tutorial guys!
$ ls | grep '*.zsh' # Have fun copy-pasting that loser!! Hahahahaha!
Like geez mom I’m trying to copy-pasta into my terminal give me a break!
$: command not found
Well no more! With this sweet zsh plugin, whose idea is SURELY first
(uh maybe
not) this woe will be a thing of the past!
$ echo "hi"
# => stop pasting in commands from the internet
# =>
# => hi
Let’s not kid ourselves, this “plugin” is like literally 1 line of code, you could
probably just read the file and copy-paste it into your .zshrc
. But I reccomend
using a nice zsh plugin manager!
You could also clone this repo somewhere on your machine and write source 'path/to/ignore-dollarsign.plugin.zsh'
in your /.zshrc
I personally use antigen!
To install with antigen it’s simply
antigen bundle SinaKhalili/ignore-dollarsign
Other zsh plugin managers should work too.
Paste these sweet commands in and feel like you’re in control again
$ cat *.* | grep 'beans'
# Now you can win the `useless use of cat award` with style!
$ fleams 124
# => command not found: fleams
# Now you can not-have another program!
$ sudo brew install factor
# => Error: Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous and no longer supported.
# Now homebrew can complain in style!
Thanks for checking this out 👋 now if ya don’t mind,
I’m gonna go paste some commands into my terminal 😎 …what’s that,
dollar sign? Did you say something? I can’t heeaaAr yoUouU