Demonstration of I2C communication between an RaspberryPi running FreeBSD and an Arduino (or general AVR) as I2C slave
This code demonstrates the basic operations when using
an AVR as I2C slave and an RaspberryPi running FreeBSD
as master.
The AVR code has been packed into an Arduino compatible
source file avri2craspidemo.ino
. If one just
wants to use it on bare avr-gcc one can just move the
code from setup
into the main function, remove theloop
function and add an infinite loop at the
end of main
The test code for the RaspberryPi avri2craspidemo.c
can be compiled with clang using
clang -o avri2craspidemo -Wall -ansi -std=c99 -pedantic avri2craspidemo.c
It requires to have proper access permissions on the /dev/iic1