项目作者: aynurin

项目描述 :
IoT controller based on ESP8266 with I2C peripherals with example implementation as a plant ecosystem controller.
项目地址: git://github.com/aynurin/iot-station.git
创建时间: 2020-08-30T23:59:19Z

开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Nour Eggboard

This is a main board of a low-power battery powered IoT device controller based on ESP8266 (ESP-WROOM-02) that drives peripheral devices on I2C bus.

Currenly the project is under development and you can help in the following way:

  • Suggest new features and report bugs
  • Submit pull requests
  • Help fund the development by donating via PayPal


Currently this project is licensed as GNU AGPLv3. This is intended to be changed to Apache or MIT when I get a better feel of the project and see how it moves forward. I would accept suggestions of a qualified lawyer as I need help figuring out how to move forward.

How is this helpful

Most prototyping boards are exactly what they say - designed for prototyping and difficult to apply in a production device or if you are a hardcore hobbyist. Unlike those projects, the Eggboard is intended to be a final solution that lets you hook your peripherals to an I2C bus and enjoy a low-power battery operation, wireless charging, and WiFi connectivity out of the box.


  • WiFi capability via ESP8266
  • Own I2C port that allows I2C communication, sleep power line, ability to operate when host sleeps, and a host wakeup channel
  • Customizable (via resistance change) sleep timer that drives the host and all of the peripherals
  • Battery operation
  • Wireless and USB-C charging
  • USB-C programming via esptool or Arduino IDE (and other compatible IDEs and methods)

Nour Egg Plant station

The example implementation is a Nour Egg plant ecosystem controller that is under development. This device is going to be commercially available for purchase in 2022 along with free downloadable app and a cloud-based analytics platform.

Key features of the Nour Egg:

  • Monitor air quality, soil moisture, and lighting conditions of your home plant
  • Low-power operation that runs for months on a single charge, and wireless charging
  • WiFi connectivity to report statistics to the cloud and Nour Egg app
  • Appealing look and feel in a nice shell and beautiful RGB light indicators

Implemented peripherals:

  • Soil moisture sensor based on capacitance sensing using a coplanar capacitor probe
  • Air quality sensor
  • Light sensor
  • LED indicators board driving 18 leds or 6 RGB leds


The versioning works by bird names, e.g. see WhatBird.com NA Birds by Size:

Milestone Release Date Focus
Pine Siskin September 2021 Hardware design
Pygmy Nuthatch December 2021 PoC Cloud and App
Winter Wren March 2022 Production feasible enclosure
Hutton’s Vireo June 2022 Production feasible hardware, test board production
