项目作者: rfrht

项目描述 :
Linear (now Analog Devices) LTC 2990 Quad I2C Voltage, Current and Temperature Monitor driver
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/rfrht/ltc2990.git
创建时间: 2015-04-13T18:58:55Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0



I2C comms with Linear LTC 2990 Quad I2C Voltage, Current and Temperature Monitor

This project describes how to access and obtain register data from a LTC2990 IC.
It is preconfigured to run on mode 0b1011111, it means: V1, V2, V3, V4; All Measurements per Mode, Single Acquisition and Temperature reported in Celsius.

Don’t forget to read the datasheet!

Sample output:

  1. root@raspberrypi:~# python i2c-ltc2990.py
  2. Int. Temp. : 30 C
  3. Voltage V1 : 3.29624918 V
  4. Voltage V2 : 3.29624918 V
  5. Voltage V3 : 3.29624918 V
  6. Voltage V4 : 3.29624918 V
  7. Vin : 3.2949939 V

RepRap Ltd created a forked version that provides continous readings