Linear (now Analog Devices) LTC 2990 Quad I2C Voltage, Current and Temperature Monitor driver
I2C comms with Linear LTC 2990 Quad I2C Voltage, Current and Temperature Monitor
This project describes how to access and obtain register data from a LTC2990 IC.
It is preconfigured to run on mode 0b1011111
, it means: V1, V2, V3, V4; All Measurements per Mode, Single Acquisition and Temperature reported in Celsius.
Don’t forget to read the datasheet!
Sample output:
root@raspberrypi:~# python
Int. Temp. : 30 C
Voltage V1 : 3.29624918 V
Voltage V2 : 3.29624918 V
Voltage V3 : 3.29624918 V
Voltage V4 : 3.29624918 V
Vin : 3.2949939 V
RepRap Ltd created a forked version that provides continous readings