项目作者: MrCerealKiller

项目描述 :
An NMEA-based ROS driver for the Trimble BD960 GPS 🌎
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/MrCerealKiller/ros-trimble-bd960.git
创建时间: 2019-05-10T02:12:26Z

开源协议:MIT License


ROS Trimble BD960 Driver


This is a simple driver that converts the NMEA strings provided by the Trimble
BD960 board to be compatible with standard ros messages. Currently, it provides
lattitude, longitude, altitude, and heading (along with a diagonal positional
covariance matrix).

Supported Sentences

Currently supported NMEA sentence types are:

  • GGA
  • GST
  • HDT

Support for more sentences may be added in the future


  • ROS
  • PySerial (Python Serial)


  1. Setup your GPS receiver to run on a serial port using one of the Trimble
    configuration utilities. (Ensure that the sentences you enable are supported.)
  2. Use the config file (config/gps.yaml) to choose your port, baudrate, and
    timeout. Your timeout should correspond roughly to the configured frequency.
  3. Launch the node using roslaunch ros_trimble_bd960 gps.launch and the
    driver will begin to output messages on the topics.


  • /gps/fix [NavSatFix] : Status, position, and covariance data
  • /gps/heading [Float64] : Heading in degrees from True North


Copyright (c) 2019 Jeremy Mallette under MIT License