项目作者: msolanikova
项目描述 :
Combines GPS track files into single one with multiple layers in KML format
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/msolanikova/kml-creator.git
KML Creator
Desktop application that can merge multiple KML and GPX files into single KML file. Usually used to import such KML file to google maps.

User Manual
- enter at least one layer that will be used in the target KML file
- choose KML and GPX files to be merged (multiple can be selected at once)
- choose color and layer for each of the selected files (if file name contains any of the layer names, given layer is selected automatically; if file name contains ‘_tl’, ‘-tl’ or ‘ tl’ as Trail Layer, blue color is chosen automatically; otherwise first layer and red color is preselected)
- hit ‘Vytvor mapu’ (create map) button to merge all added files into single KML file
- Hit ‘Zmaž dáta / Začni znovu’ button in order to clear the form
- file names without extensions will be used for line name in the target KML file
- GPX: track coordinates will be merged into single line in the target KMK file
- GPX: multiple tracks will be added as multiple lines in the target KML file with same name
- map name will always be ‘Mapa’
Build Installer
npm run dist
Installer will be located in dist directory