项目作者: hspbc666

项目描述 :
Frequently used utils in kotlin such as toast, encryption.
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/hspbc666/kotlinUtils.git
创建时间: 2019-04-17T05:39:29Z




Frequently used utils in kotlin.

Import library

  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
    1. allprojects {
    2. repositories {
    3. ...
    4. maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    5. }
    6. }
  2. Add the dependency
    1. implementation 'com.github.cxyzy1:kotlinUtils:1.0.10'

Feature list and detailed usage

  1. ToastExt
    Toast utils to simplify showing toast.
    1. toast("hello")
  2. IntentExt
    Intent utils, simplify activity transitions.
    1. startActivity<TestActivity>()
  3. LogUtils
    Utils to simplify android log.
    1. verbose("test")
    2. debug("test")
    3. info("test")
    4. warn("test")
    5. try {
    6. throw Exception("test")
    7. } catch (e: Exception) {
    8. error(e)
    9. }
  4. EncryptUtils
    support encryption and decryption by aes and so on.
  5. SizeUtils
    Size convert utils such as px and dp.
  6. PathUtils
    Path related utils such as get external sd card path.
  7. DeviceUtils
    Utils to get information about device manufacturer and so on.
  8. LocationUtils
    Get location by gps(beidou) or network.