项目作者: vada-ir

项目描述 :
Domain whois data history collector and change notifier
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/vada-ir/domain-whois-history.git
创建时间: 2018-03-04T17:24:57Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



We needed something to get whois data for our domains, do basic cleanup, process for changes, save the changes and alert in a Telegram channel, and we did it using a simple FLask app, Huginn, ELK and Google Sheets.

How it works

Domains are listed in a CSV file, list is retrieved periodically (hourly) by a Huginn agent, then processed for any changes in whois output, if any, it will be stored in ELasticsearch through Logstash and also an alert is sent to an specified telegram channel.


  • A running instance of Huginn
  • A Telegram bot credential (use BotFather to get one)
  • An Online repository of domain data (Google Sheets can be nice, publish to web as CSV and get the link)
  • whois installed in server
  • A running ELK (well, mostly Logstash and Elasticsearch)
  • Some basic idea about how to find your way in Linux!


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install the Flask app required packages using pip install -r http-api/requirements.txt
  3. Import Huginn scenario using provided json file
  4. Create necessary credentials in Huginn:
    • tg_bot_api_key: your Telegram bot API key
    • domain_csv_uri: Google Sheets published URI
    • tg_domain_alert_channel: Telegram Channel ID for alerts (with @)
    • http_api_ip_port: IP:Port of Flask app
    • logstash_uri: Logstash IP, Port and Protocol
  5. Add provided conf file to your Logstash instance (it often goes under /etc/logstash/conf.d/
  6. Run the Flask app as a system service or some agent like Supervisor
  7. Check Huginn agents execution and emitted events
  8. ???
  9. Profit!