Domain whois data history collector and change notifier
We needed something to get whois data for our domains, do basic cleanup, process for changes, save the changes and alert in a Telegram channel, and we did it using a simple FLask app, Huginn, ELK and Google Sheets.
Domains are listed in a CSV file, list is retrieved periodically (hourly) by a Huginn agent, then processed for any changes in whois output, if any, it will be stored in ELasticsearch through Logstash and also an alert is sent to an specified telegram channel.
installed in server pip install -r http-api/requirements.txt
: your Telegram bot API keydomain_csv_uri
: Google Sheets published URItg_domain_alert_channel
: Telegram Channel ID for alerts (with @
: IP:Port of Flask app logstash_uri
: Logstash IP, Port and Protocolconf
file to your Logstash instance (it often goes under /etc/logstash/conf.d/