项目作者: RiadhBenlamine
项目描述 :
A collection of tools used in hacking by pro and cyber security experts.
项目地址: git://github.com/RiadhBenlamine/HackList.git
Great Tools every pentester and hacker should use them
, i would like to share with you most tools i’m using for 2019
Scanning and Enumeration
- Nmap
- Angry IP scanner
- Masscan
- DirBuster
- DirSearch
- Gobuster
- Wfuzz
- Meltago
Vulnerabilty and Explotation
Password Attaking
- John the Ripper
- Hydra-THC
- Cain & Able
- Rainbow Tables
- Zip-Cracker Mine
- Hashidentifire
- Hashcat
- Curnch
- Cupp
Wireless Attacking
- Aircrack-ng
- Wifite2
- wifiphisher
Social Engineering